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Belle Plaine Union and Herald; May 27, 1920
May 15, 1920
Toledo, Iowa

Keystone Girl A Bride

Weise-Overturf Wedding Unites Two Prominent Young People. Groom one of the First To Enlist For Service In Late War

Miss Emily E. Weise and John Clinton Overturf of Elberon were married Nay 15th at Toledo, by the Rev. Creswell at the Presbyterian parsonage. Miss Overturf, sister of the groom acted as brides maid and George Weise, Jr., a brother of the bride acted as best man. The bride wore white organdy and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The brides maid also wore white. The groom and best man wore suits of dark brown. The double ring service was used.

The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Weise Sr. of Keystone. For about five years after graduating from the country schools the bride has kept house for her brother, John, thus thoroly [sic] learning the art of house keeping and home-making, and has won a large circle of friends. Last summer she spent in Cedar Rapids Normal College where she won the second grade certificate and has since taught school.

The groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Overturf. He was one of the first volunteers in the world war, having enlisted at Cedar Rapids May 7, 1917. He spent over a year in camps near El Paso, Texas, then was sent across the sea from Waco, Texas. He arrived in ?rest August 27 and on October 7th he arrived on the Metz front after months in trenches. Armistice day found him forty rods from the German division he being one the twenty six against four German divisions. He was honorably discharge and arrived at home on June 28th, last year, and has been farming most the time since, and has the Weaver farm rented for this year, where the couple hope soon to be at home to their friends, who are wishing them a happy and long married life with oceans of good luck.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 12-Jun-2020 by
John Shuck,

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