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Blairstown Press; April 1, 1921
March, 1921
Marion, Iowa

Are Married At Marion.

Mr. Harry Nelson and Miss Dorothea Anderson surprised many friends last week by going to Marion and being united in marriage at that place. Miss Anderson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson residents of this city for the past year. Mr. Nelson is the son of Mrs. Mary Nelson of this city, having lived around here practically all of his life, but now being in the employ of the C. & N. W. railroad as brakeman. Mrs. Nelson will remain with her parents for a short time after which the young couple will their home in Boone, Iowa, at which place the groom is employed.

The Press wishes them happiness and success in their married life.

{Submitter comment: Not related - newspaper extract}
Submitted on Sep 10, 2005 by
John Shuck,

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