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Cedar Valley Daily Times; Unknown
February 4, 1941
El Monte, California

Esther Martin weds H.J. Meredith


(Special to Daily Times)

Norway, Feb. 8 - Miss Esther Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.S. Martin of Wayland, Ia., became the bride on Feb. 4 of H.J. Meredith of Cedar Rapids and P.J. Meredith of Baldwin Park, Cal. The ceremony took place at the church of the Nativity in El Monte, Cal., at 8 a.m. with Rev. Anthony Kelly officiating. Attendants were Vivien Meredith of Norway and P.J. Meredith of Baldwin Park, sister and father of the bridegroom.

The bride wore a powder blue sheer wool costume suit with navy accessories. The bridesmaid wore a light teal blue sheer wool suit with accessories of black. Each had a camellia corsage.

Mrs. Meredith is a graduate of the Wayland high school and Iowa State Teachers college at Cedar Falls. She is a member of Theta Gamma Nu and the Order of Eastern Stars. For the past several years she has taught at Wyman, Ladora, Montrose, and Norway, Ia. Mr. Meredith is a graduate of the local school and is now employed as a painter. The will live at 1234 Covina Boulevard, Baldwin Park, Cal.

Submitted on 01-Jul-2020 by
Dwayne Thoman,

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