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The Blairstown Press; Jan. 3, 1930
Dec. 27 1929
Cedar Rapids

Couple Married Last Friday

Blairstown Man Weds Girl From Luzerne on Friday.

Miss Margaret Kern of Luzerne and Albert F. Mecklenburg of Blairstown, were quietly married, Friday evening, Dec. 27, at eight o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Dr. W. L. Ewing in the St. Paul's Methodist parsonage of Cedar Rapids.

The couple was attended by the bride's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Back, and by the groom's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mecklenburg of Blairstown. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Eckert of Cedar Rapids also witnessed the wedding. The bride's sister, Mrs. Wm. Back, was matron of honor. The groom's brother, Wm. Mecklenburg, acted as best man.

The bride wore a gown of black silk flat crepe and her attendant wore navy blue georgette. Both the groom and best man were attired in dark suits.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kern, farmers living near Luzerne. She graduated from the Blairstown High School with the class of 1923. She then completed a course at the Iowa State Teacher's college at Cedar Falls. For the last three years she has taught in the Luzerne public school. She will complete the half year in about two weeks after which she will resign her position and join her husband at Charles City where he holds a position with the Hart Parr Tractor company.

Mr. Mecklenburg was born and reared in Blairstown and received his education in the Blairstown school. He is a son of the late Mrs. Mary Mecklenburg of Blairstown. Both young people have many friends and relatives in the Blairstown and vicinity who will wish them every success and happiness in their future.

A dinner complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Mecklenburg was given Sunday at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Back, north of Blairstown. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mecklenburg, the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kern, Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Mayhew, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoyt and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kern, of this vicinity, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Palmer of Belle Plaine.

The Press wishes to join the many friends of the couple in extending congratulations and best wishes for their future.

{Submitter comment: cousin}

Submitted on 15-Aug-2020 by
John Shuck,

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