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Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle; June 28, 1887
June 22, 1887

A Pleassnt Wedding Anniversary

Editors Eagle - The region around Pratt Creek la notable for its large quota of worthy citizens. As a flourishing community it is very rich in all that goes to make up a pleasant and cultured neighborhood — good.churches, good morals, good farms, good houses, and good people. During the past few months Mr. N.H. Kinney haa been erecting for himself a fine and substantial dwelling that is a pride to any man and an ornament to a community which already abounds in residences that are clear tokens of a community’s thrift. It may not have occurred to Mr. Kinney that this fine improvement to his very fine farm happily celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary; but his neighbors remembered it, and so, on Wednesday evening, June 22nd, the anniversary night, about 150 friends called on him to remind him that his married life covered a quarter of a century. A large number were present from Vinton, who brought with them substantial offerings of affection. In saying that Mr. and Mrs. Kinney were surprised we express it mildly indeed. A very happy circumstance was the presence of Uncle Nathan Speers, of Fayette county, who, though 81 years old might well pass for 60, Rev. F. E. Day, of Garrison, in a few well chosen words, presented the congratulations of the company and pointed them to the table laden with presents as a token of the friendly estimation in which they were held. Mr. Kinney briefly and feelingly responded. Refreshments were not forgotten by the thoughtful surprises and an ample repast had ample justice done it. These are bright spots even in the brightest lives, and Mr. and Mrs. Kinney will never forget their friends’ kind remembrance of them.

One Who Was There...

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 07-Dec-2024 by
John Shuck,

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