Cedar Valley Daily Times; Oct. 15, 1941
Blairstown, Iowa
Note 60th Wedding Anniversary
SIXTY YEARS OF married life, all of it passed in Benton county, is the record of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus S. Kimm, residents of Blairstown. The Kimms were married at Watkins on Oct. 15, 1881, and lived on a farm near that town for a time. Later they retired to Watkins. For the last 21 years they have lived in Blairstown. They still own their 287 acre farm near Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Kimm were the parents of two children - both boys. Frank died in infancy, and Ira A. was a victim of the influenza epidemic. They have four grandchildren, to whom they have been father and mother - Ora of Norway, Earl, Ross and Mrs.Helen Becker, all of Blairstown. There are five great grandchildren. Mr. Kimm came to Benton county in 1866 from New York state where the was born near the city of Utica. He will be 87 years old on Nov. 5. Mrs. Kimm came to Benton county from Ohio. She was 90 years old on August 29. "I just can't seem to get out of Benton county," Mr. Kimm jokingly told a Daily Times representative.
Blairstown Press; September 27, 1940
September 21, 1940
Bride's home in Blairstown
Cranston Home Is Scene Of Wedding.
Couple Will Make Their Home In Cedar Rapids.
The E. E. Cranston home in Blairstown was the scene of a pretty home wedding Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock when Donna Eileen Cranston became the bride of Kent Kimm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kimm of Norway.
For her wedding the bride wore a gown of sea blue French wool with matching accessories and her corsage was of gardenias. Kathryn Cranston, youngest sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and her dress of dubonnet was worn with navy accessories and her corsage was of Johanna Hill roses. Alfred Voss served Mr. Kimm as best man. The pretty single ring ceremony was read by Rev. J. C. B. Peck.
Present at the wedding were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cranston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cranston of Van Horne, Mrs. Wm. Schumacher of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kimm of Norway and Shirley Jackson.
Serve Wedding Dinner .
After the wedding ceremony the bridal party drove to Cedar Rapids where the wedding pictures were taken and where a wedding dinner was served at 6:30 at the Tower Tea Room. Places were laid for 25 guests. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cranston, Kathryn Cranston, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kimm, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cranston, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kimm, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kimm, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zuber, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klass, Bert Powers, Vera Kirkman and Shirley Jackson.
The bride is the second oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cranston and was graduated from the Van Horne high school with the class of 1938. Later she graduated from the Cedar Rapids business college and since then has been employed at the Raymond M. Klass law office in Cedar Rapids where she will continue working.
Mr. Kimm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kimm of Norway and was graduated from the Blairstown high school with the class of 1936. He is employed by the Collins Radio company in Cedar Rapids. The couple will establish their home at 1211 3rd Ave.; SE in Cedar Rapids.
{Submitter comment: His parents are Archie Kimm and Anna Marie Cluett.}
The Belle Plaine Union; Feb. 12, 1913
Feb. 8, 1913
Marion, Iowa
Young Banker Takes Wife.
Rudolph Kimm and Bessa Steffa married Saturday in Marion Came as Surprise to Friends.
A wedding of more than usual interest and which came somewhat as a surprise at this time occurred last Saturday at Marion when Miss Bessie Steffa of this city and Mr. Rudolph D. Kimm of Blairstown were united in holy bonds of matrimony at the Presbyterian Manse by the Rev. Ensign.
This marriage unites two young well known here. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Steffa. She was raised and educated in this city, graduating from the High School, she became a rural school teacher and in this profession she gained marked success. Her winning manner and winsome ways have gained her a large circle of warm friends.
Mr. Kimm in the son of Mr. Leonard Kimm, a prominent banker of Blairstown. He is a young man of irreproachable character, steady and industrious and an excellent business man. For some time he was a valued employee of the Citizen's National Bank and it was while residing in this city that he met the young lady who is now his bride. For the last year he has been assistant cashier of the Blairstown Savings Bank, having been advanced to the position from that of book-keeper. Mr. and Mrs. Kimm will go to housekeeping at once in Blairstown where the groom had a home in readiness for the coming of his bride. We join a host of friends in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Kimm heartiest congratulations and the wish that they may enjoy a long and prosperous life together.
{Submitter comment: not related}
?; Jan 20, 1916
January 15, 1916
Benton Co. IA
Married 50 Years-Silas Kimm and Katharina Engle were married in the court house in Marion, IA fifty years ago last Saturday, January 15th.
Katrina Engle was born Dec 3rd 1848 in Baden, Germany. Her parents with their famili of 8 sons and five daughters, immigrated to America in 1858 and settled two miles west of Atkins on what is now known as the Gasser farm.
Silas Kimm was born in Hesse Cassell, Germany November 11 1836. When he was seventeen years of age, he came to Utica, Oneida Co. NY in the company of his brother, Gus, who was 14 years old, and a sister of 22 years, who is now Mrs Jacob Nell of Norway, IA. Their parents followed them to America in a short time. Silas worked in Herkimer County for 12 years, during this time he became acquainted with folks by the name of Spellerberg who were coming to Iowa and he came with them in 1865; he worked that summer for Jesse Brown, a farmer living west of Fairfax, aand in a few months, selected the farm he wished to own and bought it for $7 an acre from the man who entered it from the government.
And that his judgement in the selection of this land was reliable may be seen at a glance for a finer lying bit of ground can not be found in this section of the country. It was to this home he brought his bride aand they have lived there ever since.
Mr Kimm is known far and wide on account of his sobriety, integrity, industry and honesty. Their family numbered ten, eight are living, two died in infancy; they are Henry Winfield, living at Adair, Guthrie Co. IA; Anna (Mrs Frank Smith) of Carpenter, SD; Mary S. the wife of Charles Zahrt, residing at Greenfield, Clay Co. IA.; Louisa Nelson of Lake Park, IA.; Caroline, wife of Peter Ward, resides in another house on the home farm. William Silas, manages the home place; Matilda D. married Richard Ferreter and lives in Johnson Co. IA; Edward L. owns and operates a farm near Springville, IA.
All of Mr and Mrs Kimm's family are married and they have 34 grandchildren.
{Submitter comment: My great grandparents}
Daily Times; Unknown
Not stated
St. Michael church, Norway, Iowa.
Benton Couple Wed Tuesday Morning at South Slope Church
(Special to Daily Times)
Norway, April 21.-Miss LaVerne Brecht, daughter of Mrs. Nettie Brecht, and Wallis Kimm, son of Ed. Kimm, both families of Norway, were married yesterday morning at 8:00 in the St. Michael's Catholic church. The Rev. Father Kunkel performed the single ring ceremony. Lyle Kimm, a brother of the bridegroom, and Miss Evelyn Schulte, cousin of the bride, were the attendants.
The bride wore a gown of white taffeta silk and lace with a long tulle veil and fitted cap held in place by a band of pearls. She carried calla lillies. Miss Schulte's dress was blue taffeta and she carried pink roses. After the ceremony a reception was held for the immediate relatives and friends of the couple. Last evening the wedding dance was held at Mac's ball room. Mr. and Mrs. Kimm will make their home on a farm northeast of Norway.
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