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The Vinton Eagle; Nov. 2, 1900
Oct. 31, 1900

At the Baptist parsonage Wednesday afternoon at ? o'clock Mr. Albert M. Jones and Miss Emma Belle Ludden were united in marriage by Rev. Ellis M. Jones. These young people have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy life.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 07-Jun-2020 by
John Shuck,

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Waterloo Daily Courier; September 7, 1945
September 2, 1945
Vinton, Iowa

Miss Katherine Muth, Vinton, daughter of the John Muths, Sheldon, Wis., and Glenn L. Jones, Artesian, S. D., were wed Sunday at the Presbyterian church parsonage by Rev. William S. Caldwell, pastor, it was announced here Friday. The couple will reside in Vinton where she has been employed for the past nine years by Vinton Produce Co.

{Submitter comment: Not related - newspaper extract}
Submitted on Oct 2, 2005 by
John Shuck,

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Blairstown Press; February 29, 1924
Feb. 20, 1924
Union township

Well Known Young Couple are Married

Miss Nadine Miner Becomes Bride of Maurice F. Jones Wednesday

The marriage of Miss Nadine Miner and Maurice F. Jones, well known residents of Benton county, took place Wednesday, February 20, at the bride's home in Union township. The Rev. Gilbert Challice, pastor of the local M. E. church, performed the ceremony at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Only the immediate relatives attended the marriage.

The ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a traveling suit and carried a shower bouquet of sweetpeas. The home was attractively decorated with red carnations and sweetpeas. Following the service a three course dinner was served.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Miner. She was born on the farm where her marriage occurred. She is a graduate of the State Teachers college at Cedar Falls.

Maurice Jones is a son of Mrs. Susie Jones, of Shellsburg. He was born in Canton Township. For several years Mr. Jones was engaged in farming. He is a graduate of Drake University in Des Moines.

Out of town quests at the wedding were Mrs. C. W. Baskerville, Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Susie Jones and Miss Leota Jones, of Shellsburg, and Mrs. Warnock, Cedar Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones will go to housekeeping on a farm in Union township.

The bride is known in this part of Leroy township, having visited here many times in the home of her grandmother, the late, Mrs. Mary Miner. She made many good friends who extend good wishes and congratulations to the groom in his choice of a bridge.

{Submitter comment: cousin}

Submitted on 30-Oct-2019 by
John Shuck,

Return to Wedding / Anniversary Index

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