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Blairstown Press; March 3, 1922
Feb. 22, 1922
Cedar Rapids

Young Couple Are Married

Miss Bertha Anderson of Cedar Rapids Becomes Bride of Mr. George Hameister of Blairstown

On Wednesday evening Feb. 22nd., at 7 o'clock in the Lutheran church, in Cedar Rapids, occurred the marriage of Miss Bertha Anderson of that place and Mr. George Hameister of Blairstown in the presence of a few immediate relatives and friends. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the bride's home to the immediate relative of the bridal couple.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and grew to young womanhood at Van Horne. Later she moved with her parents to Luzerne and one year ago moved with them to Cedar Rapids. She is a young lady of charming personality and many accomplishments and her sweet disposition has made many friends for her. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hameister and was born and reared to manhood in this vicinity and is one of the sterling young members of the community. He is highly respected by all. After a short Honeymoon trip they will be at home on the Hameister farm, of which the groom is joint owner with his brother. The Press with many friends extend congratulations and fond wishes.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Oct-2019 by
John Shuck,

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