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Blairstown Press; Jan. 1, 1941
Jan. 10, 1941
Van Horne

Van Horne Couple Married 50 Years

Original Wedding At Holy Cross Church Near Keystone

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Greene, prominent retired farm residents of Van Horne, who have both lived in this immediate community for more than 60 years, will quietly observe their golden wedding anniversary, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Greene were married Jan. 10, 1891, at Holy Cross Catholic church near Keystone by the Rev. George Reynolds, of which parish they were members until Immaculate Conception church in Van Horne was organized. Mr. Greene and his wife are both somewhat afflicted with ill health.

Mr. Greene was born at Janesville, Wis., and came to Benton county with his parents, the Mr. and Mrs. John Greene at the age of seven years. He was one of a family of eight children and is the last one of that large family to survive. His wife, the former Agnes Cummings, was also one of a large family of eight children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cummings. She was born in Union township, Benton county, Jan. 23, 1872 and has always lived here.

Mrs. Greene is a member of the Altar and Rosary society and both are active members of Immaculate Conception church. She has three living sisters, Mrs. Mary O. Meara of Alvord, Mrs. Kate Burke of Aberdeen, S.D., Mrs. Hannah Files of Shellsburg and one brother, Ed Cumming, of Van Horne.

Mr. and Mrs. Greene are the parents of four daughters, Mrs. T. M. O'Brien and Mrs. Wm. Herzberger of Van Horne, the Misses Frances and Esther Greene of Omaha, and one son Orin Greene of Cedar Rapids. They have 11 grandchildren.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 06-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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