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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County Herald; Oct. 12, 1880
Oct. 7, 1880
Vinton, Iowa

Married - In this city, Thursday evening, Oct. 7, 1880 at the residence of the brides parents, by Rev. E. English, Mr. Frank L. Forsythe and Miss Lizzie Ackley.

Mr. and Mrs. Biebesheimer, whatnot; Mrs. Wedell and Sadie Biebesheimer, silver cake basket; Mr. and Mrs. Isenhouer, silver tea-spoons; Ella Shay, silver sugar-spoon; Harvey and Florence Forsythe, china toilet set; Mr.and Mrs. Betchel, glass fruit dish and china vegetable dish; Mrs. W. Hall, glass fruit dish; Burtie hall, vase: Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, damask towels; May Wily, damask towels; Mrs. Wm. Forsythe, feather-bed and beding [sic]; John Shiley; set of cane chairs; Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Webb, flat-irons; Mrs. and Mis Ridge, towels and napkins; Mrs. Shaffer, silver spoon holder; Mr. L. Selvert, wife and daughter, silver castor; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Titus, glass cake dish; Maggie Titus, filass bread plate; Clara Watson, silver butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. George Selvert, silver pickel stand; Sofa Wagner, knife rest; Mr. and Mrs. S. White, silver forks; Mr. and Mrs. C. Wagner, silver table-spoons; Wm. Selvert, set of silver knives and forks; E. Lobeck, album; Mrs. James Kelley, glass water pitcher and bread plate; Adam Biebesheimer, set glass goblets; Mr. and Mrs. G. Ackley, china tea set; Mrs. Wily, china tea set; Frank Lockman, damask towels; Mrs. Fisher, marseiles bed spread; Grandpa Hite, damask table cloth; Mr. and Mrs. Stern, pair blankets; Lena Sholts, looking glass; Mr. and Mrs. Sprenger, table; Mr. and Mrs. G. Freeman, water pitcher; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emmings, cottage rocking chair; Josephine and Lillie Wood, pair of vases and boquets; Mr. and Mrs. James Wood, clock; Mrs. Geo. Ackley, dress pattern; Mrs. D. Ackley, bride's bonnet.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 28-Jan-2013 by
John Shuck,

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