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Belle Plaine Every Other Daily Union; Jan. 25, 1906
Jan. 23, 1905
Belle Plaine, Iowa

Kroh-Ennis Wedding

Toledo Young Man Takes a Belle Plaine Bride

The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Kroh to Charles W. Ennis of Toledo took place in this city at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. C. H. Kroh, Tuesday evening, at 8:30, Rev. R. S. Osgood of the Congregational church performing the ceremony. The wedding was a very quiet home wedding, only a few of the intimate friends of the family were present. The bride was gowned in a costume of Alice blue.

After the ceremony the guests were invited to the dining room where a two course supper was served by the bride's sister, Miss Lulu Kroh. The table was made very beautiful with decorations of white roses and smilax, and pink carnations which were given as favors. The roses formed the centerpiece for the table and after supper the bride graciously present them to her guests. Mrs. Ennis is the eldest daughter of Mrs. C. H. Kroh, and is one of Belle Plaine's well known young ladies, having lived here since her childhood. She graduated with the class of '98 from the high school and since that time has been engaged in teaching, for the last four years having been one of the teachers in the city schools. She was a member of St. Cecilia and Portia Clubs of this city and is known and liked for her kind and friendly disposition. While she will be missed in her social circle, her friends extend to her their heartiest congratulations and the best wishes for her future happiness.

Mr. Ennis has lived in Toledo and is well and favorably known to the people of that city. He is a young man of sterling qualities, by occupation a contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis will take up the their residence in Toledo where they have a home ready for their occupancy.

The out of town guests were Mrs. J. A. Barrett of Mason City and H. W. Creamer of Toledo.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Jun-2020 by
John Shuck,

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