Blairstown Press; March 30, 1923
March 21, 1923
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Double Wedding at Cedar Rapids.
A double wedding acurred [sic] Wednesday, March 21st at the Christian parsonage in Cedar Rapids, which is of interest to many people here.
The contracting parties were: Miss Jane Schriner of North English and Walter Curtis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis of this place. The other couple was Velma Bodenheimer of North English and Ralph W. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and a grandson of James Athey. The presiding minister was a former pastor of the young ladies. The happy couples came here to spend a few days of their honeymoon and left the last of the week for North English.
The Press and their friends unite in extending congratulations and wishes for a successful future.
{Submitter comment: not related - newspaper extract}
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