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Blairstown Press; November 15, 1935

Ethel Shuck Weds Belle Plaine Man.

Quiet Ceremony Performed at Presbyterian Manse Tuesday.

Miss Ethel Shuck, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shuck of Blairstown, and George Cunningham, eldest son of Mrs. Mabel Reid of Belle Plaine, were quietly married at the Presbyterian manse by the Rev. J. C. B. Peck, at 6:30 Tuesday evening, Nov. 12. Owing to the recent death of the bride's grandmother, which altered the wedding plans of this young couple, their only attendants were the bride's sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christenson of Waterloo.

The bride was gowned in white satin, cut along simple lines, and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. Mrs. Christensen's dress was of peach chiffon, with a short jacket of taffeta, and she wore a corsage of roses.

The double ring ceremony marked by dignity and simplicity was used. Those present to witness the ceremony were the groom's mother, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Cunningham's brother, Donald Shuck, and Miss Doris Wright.

After a short trip to Chicago they will be at home to their many friends at Mt. Auburn.

Submitted on Sun Nov 14 13:44:21 1999 by
John Shuck,

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