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Askov American, Askov, Minnesota; January, 1931
January 13, 1931
Van Horne, Iowa

Couple Married 58 Years Observe Rare Event in Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clewitt of of Kerrick, Still can do Degree of Work.

Silver wedding anniversaries are almost everyday Occurrences and golden observances are reported at intervals but when it comes to living together for 58 years and still being in good enough health to enjoy the celebration of an anniversary of such longevity is remarkable.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clewitt living five miles east of Kerrick have arrived at the fifty-eighth milestone of their wedded life and observed the occasion fittingly on Tuesday, Jan. 13, with their daughter in Iowa.

Married in Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Clewitt were married in Keystone, Ia., in 1873 and have had eight children born to their union. Seven are living and one boy died in young manhood.

Mr Clewitt has just passed his eighty-first birthday and Mrs. Clewitt is 74. While not in the best of health they are still able to be around and do light work.

The children are Mrs. C. H. Frye, Keystone, Ia.; Mrs. G. S. Shuck, Blairstown, Ia.; Mrs. T. B. Thomsen, and Roy of Kerrick; Mrs. E. V. Matsen, Duquette; George of Melhan, S. D. and John of Lake Andes, S. D.

Their many friends all join in wish ing them many more years of wedded life.

{Submitter comment: They are my great grandparents}
Submitted on Nov 14, 2004 by
John Shuck,

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