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The Blairstown Press; May 3, 1935
April 25, 1935

Blairstown Girl Wed At Waterloo

Hazel Shuck Is Bride of Carl Christensen Thursday.

The wedding of Miss Hazel Shuck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shuck northwest of Blairstown, and Carl Christensen of Waterloo, son of John Christensen of Buckinghasm, took place in the home of the officiating minister, Dr. Gilbert Chalice, pastor of the Grace Methodist church, Thursday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m. in Waterloo. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Dietz.

Mrs. Christensen was dressed in pale blue with dark blue accessories and carried a bouquet of roses and gardenias. Mrs. Dietz wore pale rose crepe satin and carried roses.

Mrs. Christensen is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shuck. She was born and raised in this community. Attended rural school and graduated from the Blairstown high school three years ago. She is a member of the LeRoy Luckies 4-H club and is county historian. Mr. Christensen is the youngest son of John Christensen. He spent a year near Blairstown but at present is employed at the John Deer factory in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen live at 306 1/2 Allen Street, in Waterloo.

{Submitter comment: my aunt and uncle}

Submitted on 17-Feb-2016 by
John Shuck,

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