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Waterloo Courier; Tuesday January 21, 1947
January 18, 1947
Vinton, Iowa

Vinton - Milly Jane Kimm, Vinton, IA and Hoyt E. Carrier Mason City, IA were married at 2:30 PM Sunday in the Presbyterian church parlors. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles E. Kimm, Vinton and Mr Carrier is the son of Mr and Mrs Garth E. Carrier, also of Vinton. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Caldwell. Matron of honor Mrs Dan Fesler, Iowa City; sister of the bride. Edward Carrier attended his brother as best man. Ralph Allen served as usher. The bride for the last several years has been employed by The Cedar Valley Times office. Mr Carrier is a graduate of the Univerisity of Iowa, Iowa City. He served for four years as an officer in the quartermaster corps. He is now an insurance salesman in Mason City, Iowa. After a wedding trip, the couple will be at home at 717 Walnut St. Clear Lake, Iowa.
Submitted on Feb 11, 2006 by
Kaye Sanchez,

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