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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, IAGenWeb

Howard and Mabel (Morris) Heinrich

This is Sarah's long-lost cousin, Mabel Morris-Heinrich with husband Howard Heinrich of Newhall, Iowa. Sarah found Mabel back in the early 1990's through correspondence with other long lost Morris relatives. Mabel became a dear friend to Sarah and shared a lot of family history with Sarah. Mabel passed away a couple of years ago. Though they never met, Sarah admires her strength of spirit.

Mabel broke her back in 1993, spent a month in the hospital. That winter, while in her early 80's, she drove herself out in the country on snowy roads and took pictures of the Morris home places so that Sarah would be able to use them in her upcoming book, To Soar Again! It is this strength of spirit and her caring nature that Sarah especially appreciated.

Mabel also suffered several tragedies in addition to losing her husband a few years before she died. She lost all but one of her four children before she died. She remained interested in life and had much to share with others.

Picture submitted by Sarah Hudson-Pierce

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