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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Rapids Gazette; Jan. 18, 1941
M. F. Yakish, Former INS. Adjuster, Dies
Mathias Frank Yakish

Mathias Frank Yakish, 338 Eighteenth street SE, retired insurance adjuster, died in a local hospital Friday at 5:30 p.m. following a brief illness.

He was the son of Mr. and Mr. Johann Yakish who came to this country from Austria and to Cedar Rapid Aug. 6, 1853. They pitched their tent on the land now occupied by the Y. M. C. A. building. The next year the family bought land from the government just north of Amana where Mathias was born Jan. 8. 1864. His mother died two years later and the father moved to Iowa City where he died in 1877.

Mr. Yakish learned the tinner's trade and came to Cedar Rapids to become foreman for C. H. Swab. In 1888 he purchased a store at Van Home, remaining there until 1904 when he entered the insurance business and came to Cedar Rapids in 1910. He had made his home here since. On April 23. 1883, he was married to Henrietta Pohlmann at Van Home. She preceded him in death on May 14, 1938.

Surviving are two sons: Arthur L. of Cedar Rapids and Earl E. Yakish of Des Moines: one daughter. Mrs. Harry H. Love of Topeka, Kan.; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Mr. Yakish was a member of the First Lutheran church and Keystone lodge I. O. O. F. He was initiated into the Cedar Rapids lodge I. O, O. F. No. 141 on Feb. 17, 1888.

Funeral services will be held in the Turner chapel at 11 a. m. Monday. Burial will be made in the Salem cemetery at Van Horne. Friends may call at the chapel.

Blairstown Press; Jan. 14, 1941
Van Horne

Funeral Services were held Monday at Turner chapel in Cedar Rapids for M. F. Yakish, 77, who died Friday evening in a Cedar Rapids hospital following a short illness. Mr. Yakish was a resident of Van Horne from 1888 until 1904 when he operated a general merchandise store. In recent years he has lived in Cedar Rapids and has been associated in the insurance business. He retired from business life a few years ago. Mrs. Yakish died in 1938. Two sons, Arthur of Cedar Rapids and Earl of Des Moines, and one daughter, Mrs. Loma Love of Kansas, survive. Burial took place in Salem Evangelical cemetery southeast of Van Horne.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 06-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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