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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times; July 23, 1968
R. A. Woodson Dies Sunday; Rites Wednesday
R. A. Woodson

Ronald A. Woodson, 57, of rural Vinton, died of a heart condition Sunday Evening at his home.

He was born May 14, 1911, at Shellsburg, a son of Ira and Lucy Jane Alden Woodson. He married Freda Mae Soden on December 17, 1930, at Cedar Rapids.

He is survived by his widow; one son Richard, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Dan (Lois) Clymer of Shellsburg and Mrs. Roland (Bessie) Burke of Guernsey; one brother, George L. of Shellsburg.

Funeral services will be held at 2 pm., Wednesday at the Fry and Holland funeral home, with burial in Oakwood cemetery at Shellsburg...

Submitted on 04-Jul-2011 by
Martha Long,

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