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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times; Sep 12, 1963
Fall from Tree Kills Don Wolfe, Urbana;Set Funeral Saturday
Donald S. Wolfe

Urbana --Funeral services will be held at the Fry and Holland funeral home in Vinton Saturday at 2 pm., for Donald S. Wofe, 60. Mr. Wolfe was prounced dead on arrival at the Vinton hospital from a skull fracture received when he fell while trimming a tree on his farm near Urbana Wednesday morning. The Rev. O.E. Barrow of Maxwell will officiate at the service. Burial will be in the Ridgwewood cemetery at North liberty. Friends may call at the funeral home after 9 am. Friday.

Mr. Wolfe was born June 15 1903, at Fairfax, a son of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Wolfe. He was married on Nov 28, 1927, at Anamosa to Irene Shay. They farmed near North Liberty following their marriage for 24 years before moving to their present farm in 1951. Surviving are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Carlyle Vanourney of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Ralph Moody Jr., and Donna Wolfe of Vinton; a son, William K. of Walker; a sister, Mrs. Wade Van Stein of Cedar Rapids; two brothers, Russell of North Liberty and Lt. Col. Harold K. Wolfe of 5th Army Headquartes in Chicago; and nine grandchildren. A daughter died in infancy.

{Submitter comment: a picture in article}

Submitted on 18-Apr-2009 by

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