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Cedar Valley Daily Times; October 24, 1955
Archie Weatherwax Funeral Conducted
Archie R. Weatherwax

Funeral services for Archie Weatherwax were held in the Oak Grove Christian church this afternoon at two o'clcok. Rev. Chester Cramer officiated. Burial was in the Shellsburg Cemetery

Mr. Weatherwax, 67, died at his home in the Oak Grove community Saturday morning following a lingering illness

He was born September 23, 1888, near Atkins. He later moved with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hendryx Weatherwax to the Oak Grove community where he spent his boyhood. He had lived in Cedar Rapids where he was a machinist for 30 years at the Rock Island railroad shops. He spent the last few years in the Oak Grove vicinity

Surviving are his widow, Margaret; a daughter, Mrs. Violet Eddins and a son, Ray, both of Cedar Rapids; his twin brother, Asa Weatherwax of Oak Grove, several grandchildren and several great-grandchildren, two step- sons, George Potts of Cedar Rapids and Garfield Potts of Kansas City, Missouri, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Alvin Sodermann of East Moline, Illinois. He was preceded in death by his son Marvin, his daughter Marie, and his sister, Ruthie Mather.
Submitted on May 19, 2002 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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TimesNews; March (?) 1971
Asa Weatherwax, 82, buried in California
Asa Roy Weatherwax

Funeral services for Asa Weatherwax, 82, a former Oak Grove resident, were held March 25 at the Rose Hills Mortuary at Whittier, Calif., with burial there.

Weatherwax died March 22 at Covina, Calif., following a series of massive strokes and complications. He was a life-long resident of the Oak Grove Community where he farmed until moving to California in 1964.

He was born Sept. 23, 1888 at Atkins, a son of Hendricks and Eva Hanover Weatherwax and lived in the Oak Grove community all his life until going West.

A veteran of overseas service in World War 1 Weatherwax was a member of the American Legion.

He was preceded in death by a sister, Ruth Mather, and a twin brother, Archie R.

Surviving are his widow, the former Freda Rapp, Covina, Calif.; a son, Harold, and daughter, Mrs. George Strachota, both of Calif., eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Submitted on Aug 29, 2000 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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Benton County News/Special to Daily Times; May 7, 1927
Paralysis Fatal to Aged Resident Benton County
Eva M. Weatherwax

Shellsburg, May 7 -- Mrs. Eva Weatherwax, 72 years old, widow of Hendrix Weatherwax, died Friday following a lingering illness due to paralysis, being confined to her bed eleven months. Mrs. Weatherwax was born in Illinois October 29, 1854 and came here with her parents when a small child. Her maiden name was Eva Hanover. She was an active member of the Oak Grove Church of Christ.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ruthie Mather, who has been caring for her mother; two sons, Asa of Shellsburg and Archie of Cedar Rapids; one sister, Mrs. M.G. Snyder of Vinton, and three brothers, George Hanover of Tulsa, Okla; Fred Hanover of Indian River, Fla; and Frank Hanover of Weaverville, Cal.

{Submitter comment: Eva was born in Broad Brook, Connecticut, not Illinois as stated in her obituary.}
Submitted on Aug 29, 2000 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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Cedar Valley Daily Times; January 28, 1929
Benton Youth Accident Victim
(Frank) Earl Weatherwax

Shellsburg, Jan. 28 - Gerald Johnson stood absolved of blame in the fatal shooting Sunday of his hunting "pal" Earl Weatherwax 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weatherwax of Shellsburg

A party of six boys went hunting yesterday and after Johnson shot a rabbit his companion ran forward to retrieve the animal. Meantime, in attempting to reload the gun, Johnson accidentally discharged the weapon. The boys were only ten feet apart

A coroner's jury last night rendered a verdict of accidental death

Weatherwax went to the Coy home on the Van Elson farm after dinner. He was joined there by Lloyd Coy, Gerald Johnson, Harold Johnson, Henry Spurgeon, and Howard Crow

Starting out to hunt rabbits the boys had just gone around the Coy barn when Gerald Johnson shot a rabbit. When he attempted to reload the gun it was accidentally discharged, the load entering Weatherwax's right side and severing an artery. When the doctor arrived at the Coy place the youth was dead

Earl Weatherwax would have been 15 years old next June 29. He was the only son in the family. This winter he assisted Wash Soden in taking the mail to and from the depot, did chores for J.A. Moeller, and delivered papers besides attending school regularly. During the summer months he was employed on the Daugherty farm north of here

Besides the parents there are three sisters, Elsie, Alberta and Lena Weatherwax

Funeral will be held Tuesday at 2:00 in the Baptist church. The Rev. E.C. Sarchett, pastor of the Oak Grove Church, will conduct the rites. Burial in Shellsburg cemetery.
Submitted on May 19, 2002 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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Waterloo Courier; January 29, 2004
Harold L. Weatherwax (1925-2004)
Harold (Bo) Weatherwax

Harold (Bo) L. Weatherwax, 79 of Tujunga, California died January 24, 2004 at his home in Tujunga.

He was born Jan. 2, 1925 in Shellsburg, the son of and Asa R. and Zelma(Allensworth)Weatherwax. He attended Lower Stone School and Shellsburg High School. After leaving the home farm, Mr. Weatherwax moved to Waterloo. In 1951 he moved to California. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II.

Survivors include: his wife, Pat of California; four daughters, Ann Weatherwax and Karen Taylor, both of Waterloo, Kathleen Weatherwax and Karla Moore, both of California; a son, Martin of California; 13 grandchildren and two great-grand-children; two sisters, Hazel Strachota of California and Toni Ericson of Tennessee; and his brother, Joe Fee, also of Tennessee.

Preceded in death by: an infant brother (Asa Jr.) and his previous wife (Betty O'Dea).

Services were 11:00 a.m. Wednesday at Glen Haven Memorial Park, San Fernando, CA.

The Veteran’s Memorial Squad concluded graveside services.

{Submitter comment: I started my family research mainly due to my Dad wanting to know a few things about his family. My Dad was born and raised in the Benton Township; his ancestors being in Benton County since 1854. All the research I have done and will continue to do is in honor of my Dad. }
Submitted on Feb 13, 2004 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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Vinton Eagle; June 10, 1921
(none listed)
Hendrick Akers Weatherwax

Mr. Hendrick A. Weatherwax, a long time resident of Benton County, was born in Kane county, Ill., Nov. 24, 1853 and died at the University hospital at Iowa City, Tuesday morning at 3:20 following a lingering illness.

Mr. Weatherwax was taken to Iowa City for treatment hoping to recover and submitted to a minor operation.

It was thought that he was on the road to recovery until a change for the worse came and all was done that was possible in the way of medical skill, but all seemed in vain and he succumbed to death Tuesday morning at the age of 67 years, 6 months and 7 days.

Mr. Weatherwax came to Iowa when but a babe, with his parents. In the month of December 24, 1874 he was married to Miss Eva M. Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Hanover are well known and have a wide circle of friends, successful farmers and loyal citizens, prominent and active in the principles that pertain to divine and civic government.

To this union were born 3 children who mourn their loss. He leaves the wife, Mrs. Eva Weatherwax, and three children, one daughter and two sons, Mrs. Ruthie Mathie and Asa and Archie twin brothers all at home.. Among the surviving ones there are five grand children also three brothers and one sister living, Jeffie of Shellsburg, Archie of Charles City, Charlie of Alexandria, Minn, Mrs. Lorinda Kline of Palo, Ia, also a host of relatives and friends. There are also three sisters and four borthers having preceded him in death.

About thirty years ago brother Weatherwax confessed his faith in Jesus Christ and was buried with Him into his death by baptism and also the likness of his resurection and ever since contended for the faith.. Mr. and Mrs. Weatherwax have owned and resided on their farm one mile north of the Oak Grove Christian church for the past 30 years or more.

Funeral services was held at Oak Grove church Friday at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Internment made in Shellsburg cemetery and Lafe Hoffman conducted the service.

{Submitter comment: Punctuation/grammar is exact as it was printed in paper.(English teacher's nightmare)}
Submitted on Aug 29, 2000 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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Benton County News/Special to Daily Times; July 29, 1923
Shellsburg Woman Dies Friday Morn
Ida Elizabeth Weatherwax

Mrs. Calvin T. Weatherwax passed away in Cedar Rapids Friday morning following an operation for tumor which was performed on Wednesday. She was about 65 years of age and before her marriage was Miss Ida Hanover, practically all her life was spent in this vicinity. She was a member of the Grove Christian church and lived a quiet and industrious life. The husband and two children survive, Mrs. Robert Weatherwax of Cedar Rapids and Frank Weatherwax of Shellsburg. The sisters are Mrs. Carrie Snyder of Vinton and Mrs. Eva Weatherwax of Shellsburg, the brothers are Fred Hanover of Indian River city, Florida, Frank of Weaverville, Cal., and George of Missouri. Funeral services will be held, Sunday conducted by Rev. McKee, pastor of the Oak Grove church. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Submitted on Aug 29, 2000 by
Kathleen Weatherwax

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Vinton Review; Feb. 18, 1915
Roy Weatherwax

Roy Weatherwax, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Weatherwax, was born May 31, 1913, near Brandon and passed away February 13. 1915, at the same place. The little fellow had always seemed strong and hearty. He had been sick a few weeks with whooping cough and had acute meningitis a few days. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Archie Weatherwax, two sister Violet and Marie, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Weatherwax, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fish, and great grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Newton, and many other relatives are left to mourn.

The funeral was held from the Oak Grove church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. F.M. Wood of Urbana, conducting the service. The little casket was covered with flowers. A large crowd of old friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last respects to one gone and show their sympathy for those left. Interment was in the Oakwood cemetery.

{Submitter comment: Oakwood Cemetery records shows name as Marvin Roy Weatherwax}

Submitted on 07-Sep-2012 by
Martha Long,

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