March 15, 1912
Death of Mrs. Wean
Aura L. Wean
Mrs. Aura L. Wean, daughter of David A. Jones, of this city, died at her home in Cedar Rapids Tuesday morning at 5:30. She was 51 years of age and had been an invalid for the past year. Funeral services were held at the family home in Cedar Rapids Wednesday and yesterday morning the body was brought to Vinton and laid away in Evergreen Cemetery.
The Vinton Eagle; Feb 4th 1913
Van Horne Record:
Martha Ann Ellyson-Wean
Martha Ann Ellyson was born in Mohoning county, Ohio, Feb. 16, 1831, and died at her late residence in Van Horne, Iowa, Jan. 22, 1913.
She was married to Solomon Wean on December 25, 1851. Some time after this event, being called to the life of the pioneer, they yielded themselves and moved into the great state of Minnesota settling on the shores of the beautiful lake Minnetonka. Here they remained for several years and encountered some thrilling experiences during the Sioux uprising under the leadership of Little Crow.
In 1866 the deceased, with her husband, moved into Iowa, taking up abode in Big Grove Township, five miles north of Van Horne. Here they resided until the spring of 1882, when they retired from the farm in favor of Van Horne.
On May 2, 1899, God saw fit to take away from the wife and mother, the husband and father, who had been her constant support and companion throughout all those years of wedded life. From that time forth she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. George Hammer. She proved to be an affectionate companion, a true wife and a faithful mother.
Mrs. Wean was the mother of five children: George E. of Portland, Ore., Horace L. of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Margery Snell, of Vinton, Iowa, John A. of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs Ida Hammer of Van Horne. Sixteen grandchildren are left to mourn her death. Besides these, she leaves two brothers and scores of other friends and relatives.
On July 4, 1886, Mrs. Wean became identified with the M.E. Church under the leadership of Rev. W.S. Lewis, and she remained a member of said church up to the day of her death.
The funeral servies were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Wean on Friday morning January 24.
A bried service was read by her pastor, Samuel L. Bear, of the Methodist church. Interment took place in the Big Grove cemetery eight miles north of Van Horne. May the influence of her life liveon and and on and count for righteousness, through she be numbered with the dead.
{Submitter comment: Obtained from Doug Wean.}
Vinton Eagle; May 4th 1899
Solomon Wean
Our community is again called upon to mourn the loss of one of its oldest settlers. After a lingering illness the spirit of Solomon Wean left its tenement of clay and joined the immortal hosts beyond the dark river. His death occurred Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Wean was born Feburary 24, 1823, in Bradford county, Pennsylvania. While still an infant his parents removed to Ohio. He was married to Martha A. Ellyson in 1851, who survives him. He and his wife moved to Minnesota in 1861, living there a few years they came to Iowa in 1865, settled in Big Grove Township where he resided until 1882 since which time he and his family have lived in Van Horne. Aside from his widow he is survived by five children: Geo. E. Wean, of Cedar Rapids, Horace L., Miss Ida Wean and Mrs. Marjory E. Snell, of Van Horne, and John A. Wean, of Iowa City. There is still living a brother, Daniel Wean of Vinton, and three sisters who reside in Worth county, Iowa. Mr. Wean was a religious man, a man of strong convictions. He bore with fortitude and christian resignation the sufferings incident to his last illness, which extended over three months. One could not but be deeply and sensibly touched by the longing of this aged sufferer for the presence of his wife and children. Ready and willing to go, confident in the hope of immortality, he lingered fondly with his devoted wife and children, as if loath to bid them the final adieu. The bereaved and sorrowing widow and family have the sympathy of the entire community. The interment will take place tomorrow in Big Grove cemetery.
{Submitter comment: Obituary obtained from Doug Wean.}
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