Unknown; Unknown
Otto Wagner, Senior.
Otto Wagner, Sr.
Otto Wagner was born in Gluckstadt, Germany, May 5, 1835, and died at his home in Longmont, Colo., November 5, 1919 aged exactly 84 years and 6 months.
Mr. Wagner came to this vicinity in 1860 and made his residence here until the summer of 1915 when he removed to his Colorado home.
He is survived by seven children. They are Henry and Mrs. Maggie Classen of Spencer, Neb., Elizabeth, who is teaching school in South Dakota, Otto, Mrs. Wm. Johnson and William of this place, Augusta, who made her home with him, and Mrs. Mary Schallou of Havelock, Iowa. His wife died June 15, 1915.
Mr. Wagner was a gentleman held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was a good father and a splendid neighbor and died full of years and honor.
He lived to see many changes, to see the smiling land that greets our opening eyes each morning reclaimed from a wilderness to a land of plenty. The farm which he owned for many years and for which he paid $5 per acre, increased in value during the years of his lifetime until today is worth close to 100 times what he gave for it.
He was laid to rest in beautiful Pleasant View cemetery at Longmont, Colo., by the side of his life's partner, who preceded him by but a few years. The funeral being conducted by Rev. Walker the pastor of the Longmont church.
{Submitter comment: This is from an old clipping that was passed down in my family. The newspaper is unidentified, but it must have been whatever paper served the Newhall, Iowa, area, because it talks about Otto Wagner making his residence "here" from 1860 to 1915. There are a couple of misspellings -- "Classen" should be "Claassen" and "Schallou" should be "Schallau." The writer says "survived by seven children," but should have written "eight." His children Otto, Jr., William, and Emma Wagner Johnson remained in the Newhall area. }
Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette; September 1, 1892
To The Beyond
Death at Blairstown of Dr. Wagner, an Old Resident
William B. Wagner
Dr. W. B. Wager, a venerable and respected resident of Blairstown, who has two children living in Cedar Rapids, died Tuesday night, but intelligence of his death was not received here until late yesterday afternoon. His illness was of brief duration and his dissolution is painful intelligence to friends and relatives. Dr. Wagner was a native of Daffin [Dauphin] county, Penn, and was born in 1818. Though he originally intended to enter the ministry he studied medicine and practiced that profession for forty years. In 1856 he came a resident of Muscatine county and in 1877 he located in Blairstown. Deceased is survived by his wife [Barbra] and the following children: Dr. J. K. Wagner of V an Horne, Ia.; Geo. M. Wagner, late of Los Angeles, Cal.; W. A. Wagner of the Times office, Cedar Rapids; John W. Wagner, Cedar Rapids, fireman on B., C. R. & N.; Charles E Wagner of Glenwood Springs, Col.; Jas. H. Wagner of Perry, Iowa, fireman C. M. & St. P. railway and Mrs. W. P. Henderson of this city.
The funeral services were held in Blairstown this morning and the remains arrived in the city at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon for interment.
{Submitter comment: Newspaper extract - not related}
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