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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
TimesNews; 1975
Rites Wednesday for Jeanne Fischer Vogel
Jeanne Fischer Vogel

Timesnews-Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the White Phillips Funeral Home for Jeanne Fischer Vogel 59 a former Shellsburg resident, who died Thursday at her home in Loveland, Colo. The Rev. Clyde Billington will officiate and burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg.

She was born Oct 15,1915 at Harland Kan. a daughter of Samuel A and Mintia Mae Wolfe Fischer. She lived at Loveland since April 1974.

Surviving are two sons, Greg G. Vogel of one daughter, Mrs. Nelson (Karley Kay) Goodwin of Cape Elizabeth, Me.; four grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Sam (Bernice) Overfield of Shellsburg, Mrs Lester (Helen) Harp of Jordan City, Kan. and Mrs. Elmer (Connie) Rammelsberg of Cedar Rapids; two brothers, Vernon Fischer of Mason City and Charles Fischer of Garrison. She was preceded in death by two sisters...

Submitted on 18-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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