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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Waterloo Evening Courier and Reporter; October 29, 1919
Mrs. Charles I. Vail Dies at Blairstown
Abbie F. Vail

Vinton, Ia., Oct. 29 - Mrs. Charles I. Vail died at her home in Blairstown a few days since. Deceased was married to Chas. I. Vail in 1861 at Burlington, Vt. She was born August 22, 1840. In 1871, she and Mr. Vail came to Cedar Rapids to live but the following year moved to Blairstown where they resided the rest of their married lives. Mr. Vail was an attorney and practiced all of his active life at Blairstown. He died about four years ago. Mrs. Vail lived for 47 years in Blairstown. She is survived by three daughters.

Blairstown Press; Oct. 24, 1919
Native of Stowe, Vt.
Abbie Frances Vail

Mrs. Abbie Vail Dies At Her Home in Blairstown In Her Eightieth Year.

Abbie Frances Barnes was born in Stowe, Vermont, August 12, 1840, and died at Blairstown Iowa October 15 1919 being 79 years 8 months and 3 days old. She was the fifth child of a family of eight.

Stowe was her home until her marriage December 9, 1861, to Chas. I. Vain, of Burlington, Vermont. After a short residence in Newport, Vermont she and her husband moved to Grasburgh, Vermont, which was her home until 1871, when she and her family came to Cedar Rapids, Ia. where they lived one year coming to Blairstown the spring of 1872, since which time she has resided here continuously, a period of forty-seven years.

At the age of eighteen she united with the Congregational church of Stowe, Vermont.

Upon her removal to Cedar Rapids she became a member of the First Presbyterian church of that place, bringing her letter from that church to the Presbyterian church of Blairstown of which she has been a faithful member ever since.

Frail in health from a young child and never strong, the long years of her life with the increasing helplessness of old age, became a burden almost too great for her to bear.

She was a kind and loving wife and mother, always willing to sacrifice herself for her dear ones.

She leaves to mourn her loss three daughters: Mary E. Vail, Mrs. Alice V. Cherry, of Table Rock, Neb., and Carrie G. Vail and one sister Mrs. Carrie F. Lovewell, of Topeka Kan, and a host of friends who pray God’s blessing on the life of service just closed, an outflowing of the Holy Spirit, the comforter to bind up the broken hearted.

The funeral services were held on Friday at the home, the services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Meierhoff, of the Presbyterian church, interment being made in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Deceased has been identified with the interests of the town for many years being the wife of Attorney Chas. I. Vail, well known thruout this and adjoining counties. {Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 04-Dec-2008 by
John Shuck,

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