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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Every Other Daily Union; Jan. 25, 1906
Funeral of J. A. Twogood
Judson A. Twogood

A Large concourse of Friends Assemble to Pay Last Respects

The funeral of Judson A. Twogood was held from the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. Q. Robinson officiating, and the I. O. O. F. lodge of which Mr. Twogood was a member having charge of the services. The order of the B. of R. T., the I. L. of H. and the Belle Plaine fire department were also represented to pay respect to a departed member. A quartet from the fire department composed Messrs. S. A. and E. M. Ewen, C. A. Scrimgeour and W. F. Shadle, sang. A special train was furnished the various orders and friends who wished to go to the cemetery, to take them from the station to the cemetery. The Odd Fellows held a brief service at the grave.

There were many beautiful floral tributes, an arch, the gift of Home Encampment, a floral bell from the fire department, a wreath from the I. L. of H., a broken wheel from the B. of R. T., besides numerous pieces from individual friends.

Judson A. Twogood was born February 27th, 1879, died January 20th, 1906, being 26 years, 10 months and 23 days of age at the time of his death. Mr. Twogood was an unmarried man, but leaves to mourn his loss, his father and mother, four sisters and one brother. Mr. Twogood had been in the employ of the railroad about three years and was a general favorite with his associates, all of whom mourn in his death the loss of a friend.

In his sermon Rev. Mr. Robinson spoke feelingly of his acquaintance with Mr. Twogood, who had been greatly touched by the death of Wm. Carpenter, with whom he had been working, nearly a year before. Although the young man had made no public profession of Christianity, it was a great comfort to the bereaved parents to know of his quest for a better life, and of his intention to become a thorough Christian, as evidenced by his frequent visits with Mr. Robinson to talk the matter over.

Card of Thanks

We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends who helped us in the ordeal through we have just passed, in the loss of our son, J. A. Twogood. Especially to the fraternal orders do we extend our expressions of gratitude for their kindly ministrations. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Twogood and family.

{Submitter comment: not related

From the Jan. 23, 1906 issue of the Every Other Daily union :
The railroad claimed another victim Saturday, when Judson Twogood, a Belle Plaine brakeman, met death by falling under the cars while working at No. 9 mine...}

Submitted on 11-Jun-2020 by
John Shuck,

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