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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Benton County News Special to Daily Times; Dec. 20, 1929
George Washington Trego

Shellsburg George Washington Trego, 85 years old, veteran of the Civil war and blind for 3o years, died Thursday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L.J. Johnson. Funeral will be held Saturday in the Methodist church. Burial in the cemetery here beside the grave of his wife who died fourteen years ago.

Mr Trego was born Feb. 22, 1844 in Chester county, Penn. When seventeen years old he ran away from home and enlisted with a Pennsylvania regiment. His father and grandfather also were in the army. He came to Iowa at the age of 30 years. His marriage to Mahalia Culp of Blairstown occurred Sept. 24, 1876 at Garrison, Ia. Eight children were born to this union.

Surviving the father are the following sons and daughters: Merrill Trego of Wisconsin; Mrs Lucy Smelser of Mt View, MO; Sherman Trego of Vinton; Oscar and Wm. Trego of Sebeka, Minn.;Mrs L.J. Johnson and Mrs. Eva DuFresne, of Shellsburg; and Mrs Leah Brandt of Blairstown. There are eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild.

The deceased was the oldest in a family of twelve children. Two brothers are living, Albam Trego and Mark Trego, of Glennmore,Pa. Claiming that he was not injured in the service and did not need help from the government Mr. Trego never applied for a pension.

{Submitter comment: George Trego was my great great grandfather.}
Submitted on Jun 6, 2004 by
Julie Farland,

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; February 11, 1916
Mahalia Virginia Culp Trego

Mrs. George W. Trego died at her home in Shellsburg last Saturday morning and we have received the following sketch of her life and tribute to her from one to whom she was very close.


Mahalia Virginia Culp was born in Taylor township, Benton county, Iowa June 25, 1858 and died February 5th, 1916 at the age of 57 years, 7 months, and 11 days.

She was the daughter of William and Mary Ann Culp, who settled in Benton county in the early fifties. She with her parents and brother, George, made a trip to West Virginia in a covered wagon in 1865 and returned in 1868. They settled near Blairstown, Iowa where she grew to womanhood.

She was married to Geo. W. Trego at her mothers home Sept. 24, 1876 by the pastor of her church, Rev. John Ridenour, of Garrison, Iowa. They spent the first three years of their married life near Blairstown. They with their two children and her parents and brother, moved to Kansas but returned the same year to Garrison, Iowa. Five years later they moved to Benton township and lived there twenty-six years. In the fall of 1912 they moved to Shellsburg.

To this union eight children were born, four boys, and four girls. Reno W. of DesMoines, Lucy A.,at home; Sherman W. of Eden township; Oscar R.and WIlliam home; Mary F Johnson of Benton township; Susanna Eva J. DuFresne, Van Horne and Leah H. at home. Virginia Culp united with the Bretheren church at Garrison at the age of 17, and remained a member until her death.

She leaves to mourn her untimely death, her husband, eight children, mother and only brother and six grandchildren, besides a host of friends and relatives.

Her husband, mother and eight children were at her bedside when she departed this life. She wanted all her children with her until the last. Reno W. was the last to arrive and she kept asking if he had come. He arrived just in time to see her breathe the last, we feel she knew he had come for when he spoke she turned her eyes towards him, then closed them peacefully in death.

She was a devoted wife and mother and a good neighbor, to know her was to love her, for her friends were numbered by her acquaintances. All that loving hands could do for her was done, but her Heavenly Father called and she answered. She did not complain during her sickness, which started with the grippe, then rheumatism and lastly waekness of the heart and enlargement of the liver. No one knew the condition she was in until too late to save her.

Her funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock in the M.E. church at Shellsburg, Iowa. The services being conducted by the pastor of the Bretheren church of North English and Rev. Weaver of the M.E. Church at Shellsburg.

She was laid to rest in the Shellsburg cemetery. Many beautiful flowers were sent her of which she was a lover.

She clung to life until her last boy arrived, then silently passed away at five minutes till 10:00 o'clock Saturday forenoon, February 5th 1916.
Submitted on Jul 16, 2006 by
Julie Farland,

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