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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Norway Retired Farmer Died Saturday, May 30
Chester A. Towe

Norway: Chester A. Towe, 70, a retired farmer, died at the Vinton hospital Saturday, May 30, after a lengthy illness.

The son of Thomas G. and Malinda (Tysdale) Towe, he was born Nov. 1, 1899, near Norway. He married Cora Johnson April 29, 1922.

He farmed near Norway until his retirement in 1961. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran church, O.E.S. Mystic Star Chapter 23, and St. Clair 164 Masonic Lodge, Norway, and El Kahir Shrine. He was a town trustee, and had served as president of the Norway school board.

Survivors include his wife, two sons, Weldon and Bruce, both of Norway; two brothers, Linc, Cedar Rapids, and Oliver of Denver, Colo.; and a half brother, Max, Cedar Rapids.

He was preceded in death by two sons in infancy; four brothers, Samuel, Eustice, Gustave and Emmett; one sister, Gertrude, and a grandson.

Funeral services were held at Trinity Lutheran church at Norway, Saturday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Stanley Lillich officiating. Burial was in the Norway cemetery.
Submitted on Jul 27, 2005 by
Nancy Montague,

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