Waterloo Daily Courier; October 12, 1949
Cyrus A. Tow
Dysart — Cyrus A. Tow, 67, prominent breeder of Hereford cattle, Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stanley Vance, five miles northwest of Dysart; was a director of the American Hereford association, and a former member of the Iowa State fair board; born near Norway, Ia., Nov. 20, 1881, son of Andrew and Ellen Tow, pioneer Benton county residents; married Aug. 1, 1901, to Cora D. Fest, of Whittier; they farmed near Norway until 1924, when they moved to eastern Nebraska, where Mr. Tow engaged in the cattle business; the last 15 years, they have lived on a farm near Dysart; leaves widow; six children, Mrs. Stanley Vance and Ted C. Tow, Dysart; Mrs. Marjorie Petersen, Liscomb; Mrs. Harve Bauer, Eldora; Kenneth Tow, Marshalltown, and Mrs. Eddie Towe, Paullina; a brother, Elmer Tow, Cedar Rapids: four sisters. Mary Tow, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Martha Roseland, Marshalltown; Miss Sadie Tow, Ypsilanti, Mich., and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Columbus, 0.; 15 grandchildren; funeral was Wednesday.
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