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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Waterloo Daily Courier; December 16, 1949

Louise Tompkin

Vinton - Mrs. Louise Tompkin, 79, longtime resident of Vinton and Benton county, Wednesday at the the Vinton hospital after a heart attack; funeral here Saturday... Miller funeral home; burial in Maplewood cemetery near Vinton; born at Mendota, Ill., June 7, 1870; married to John W. Tompkin, who died Oct. 7, 1942; they farmed in the Garrison area before retiring to Vinton; leaves two sons, W. T. Tompkin, Chicago and John L. Tompkin, Garrison, two grandchildren, three great grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Pearl, Mendota.

{Submitter comment: newspaper extract - not related}

Submitted on 10-Jan-2010 by
John Shuck,

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