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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Van Horne Record; March 30, 1917
Blairstown Youth Meets Death Sunday
Charles Thorman

Charles Thorman Struck by Northwestern Passenger Train Sunday Morning.

Charles Thorman of Blairstown was struck and instantly killed by a Northwestern passenger train on the main crossing in Blairstown Sunday morning. He was hurled thru the air and badly mangled.

It seems that he was approaching the tracks from the north and did not hear the oncoming train until warned by bystanders and then it was too late.

Funeral services were held from the Evangelical church in Blairstown Wednesday morning and interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.

{Note: Obit is incorrect on the burial location. Burial was in Pleasant Hill cemetery at Blairstown}

Submitted on 16-Aug-2020 by
John Shuck,

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