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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times; August 28, 1928
Bring Back James Stevens For Burial
James Stevens

Announcement has been made that the burial of James Stevens, a pioneer resident of this county, will take place tomorrow morning in Prairie cemetery southeast of Vinton. Services at the grave are to be held at 11 o'clock.

As near as can be learned Mr. Stevens died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Brant, of Marshalltown, from which place the body will be conveyed by motor to Vinton. Mr. Stevens was a widower and engaged in railroad work with headquarters at Marshalltown.

Mr. Stevens was well advanced in years. He was reared on the old Stevens place near the Carrier Place in the Fry neighborhood. His wife and one child are buried in Prairie Cemetery in the lot where is to be buried. It is probably 27 to 28 years since Mr. Stevens lived here but many of the older settlers doubless remember him.

{Submitter comment: No dates of birth and death with obituary}

Submitted on 02-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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