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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Shellsburg Call; Sept. 11, 1893

Charles C. Speake

Chas. C Speake was born in 1832, in Marion County, Kentucky and soon after moved with his parents to Illinois and later, 1849 to Iowa where at an early age he began the hardships of a new country. In 1854 he was united in marriage with Miss Elsie Berry thus linking their every interest and making their joys and sorrows one until Monday last Sept 11th, when he was suddenly called away with out a moments notice being the result of a blood-vessel bursting in his head. The deceased was highly respected as a quiet industrious citizen, who was a constant Christian, whose life was devoted to his faith. The family have lost a nuturing father and the community a citizen who will be long remembered.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. Gardner at the family residence Wednesday, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Oakwood cemetery.

Submitted on 12-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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