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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times; March 13, 1937
Bryon Skiles

Mt. Auburn, March 13-Seriously ill for 10 days with a gland infection, the poison spreading through-out his system. Bryon Siles, 24, farmer living two miles southwest of here, died yesterday at 12:30 p.m., at Allen Memorial hospital in Waterloo. He entered the hospital Tuesday of this week for treatment.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:00 in the Fairview church. Burial will be in the cemetery at the church. Mr. Skiles came to Benton County with his parents when a small boy from South Dakota, and had since lived in the Fairview, Dysart and Mt. Auburn communities.

A son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Skiles, who live on the same farm occupied by their late son and his family, Bryon Siles was born June 1, 1912 at Reliance, South Dakota. He was married on his 21 st birthday to Miss. Betty Humme_? of LaPorte City. They have one son Jimmy, two years old. James Skiles of Dysart is an only brother of the deceased. His sister Alva preceded him in death.

{Submitter comment: wife Betty not sure of last letter in maiden name name is also spelled Siles & Skiles}

Submitted on 13-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Benton County Times; February 23, 1912
Elva M. Skiles


Daughter of Former County Residents Dies 12 Hours After Rattlesnake Poison Enters System

Elva, the 9 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Leon Skiles, former residents of Benton County, died Saturday morning at the family home near Reliance, S. D., as the result of a rattlesnake bite. Death came only 12 hours after the poison had entered the child's system.

Stepped on Snake

Eleva and her younger brother were playing at a pond, not far from the home, and in running about the little girl stepped on the snake. Before she could get out of the way the reptile coiled and struck her just above the ankle. The child's cries brought the father and he picked the child up and carried her to the house. In less than five minutes she became sick to her stomach and the limb began swelling. The Skiles home is nine miles from Reliance and it was some time before medical aid could reach the little sufferer. All the remedies known to the parents were used to no avail. They attempted to suck the poison from the wound, but it had spread so quickly that this did not meet with any success. The injury occurred at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon and in 12 hours the child was dead.

Remains Brought Here

The remains were brought to Mt. Auburn Sunday, accompanied by the parents and two brothers, and were taken to the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Greenwalt in the country. Mrs. Greenwalt is a sister of Mrs. Skiles. The funeral was held yesterday from the Fairview church and the interment was in the cemetery at the church.

Mr and Mrs Skiles are prostrated over the sorrow which has come to them so suddenly. Elva was a most lovable child, the pride of her parents and relatives, and her death can scarcely be realized. The parents feel that they cannot return to the home in South Dakota and may decide to remain here permanently.

The grandparents, Mr and Mrs James Skiles and two daughters, Mabel and Ida of Mendota, Ill., came to attend the funeral.

The sympathy of the community is extended to the family at this time of sorrow. Mr and Mrs Skiles have been residents of South Dakota about a year and before their removal were well known farmers of Benton county, living southwest of Vinton.

Submitted on Jan 20, 2008 by
Stacey J Smith,

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The Progress Review, La Porte City, IA.; July 17, 1958
Nettie Skiles Found Dead, Rites Monday
Nettie Skiles

Funeral services for Mrs. Nettie Skiles who passed away of a heart attack at her farm home near MT. Auburn were held in the Methodist Church in La Porte City, July 14 with Reverend Donald Corrick in charge. Vincent Valenti sang "Old Rugged Cross," accompanied by Mrs. R. C. Burr. Pallbearers were nephews, Ralph Brown, George Elliott, both of La Porte City, Edwin Hill, MT. Auburn, Lewis Kaiser, Jr., Garrison, Rolland Runyan, La Porte City.

She was the daughter of the late George and Bertha Kaiser of a family of 12 children. Six sisters and two brothers survive. Two sisters, Mrs. Roy Brown and Mrs. T. W. Elliott and one brother, George are deceased. A daughter and son also preceded her in death. One son, James K. Skiles of Dysart and 3 grandchildren, Mrs. William Mathiesen of Dysart, Byron Skiles, Sioux City, Jimmy Skiles, stationed in Iceland in the armed services and 5 great grandchildren also survive.

Burial was in the family lot in the Fairview cemetery south of La Porte City. Relatives and friends attending from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson, Sioux City, South Dakota; Byron C. Skiles, of Sioux City; Frank Greenwalt, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Davis of Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Runyan of Allison; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walker of Oelwein; Mrs. Raymond Tschudi of DeWitt; Miss Mildred Loveless and Mrs. MerlDene Jones of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Neal of Quasqueton; Mr. and Mrs. Mann Sturiz of Shellsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Janette of Cedar Falls; Harley Greenwalt, Mrs. Lizzie Hill, Miss Elsie Hill, Mr and Mrs. Edwin Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Primus, Mr. and Mrs. Everette Mayhew, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stevenson, all of MT. Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaiser Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lockard, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaiser, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kaiser, all of Garrison; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kaiser of Independence; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. William Lamprecht, Mr. and Mrs. Hnry Herger all of Vinton; Mr. and Mrs. Merle E. Elliott of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zobel of Jesup; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lamprecht, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Lamprecht, Mrs. Emma Burhenn, Mrs. Viola Burhenn, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kessler, Mrs. Maye Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meyer, all of Dysart; and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown of Brandon.

Submitted on Jan 20, 2008 by
Stacey J Smith,

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