The Vinton Eagle; May 22, 1900
Death of Mrs. Mary Shreeves
Mary Elizabeth Shreeves
Blairstown Press: - Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Shreeves was born at Whitehouse, New Jersey. She was the daughter of Benjamin S. and Sarah M. Ramsey. The family moved to Illinois in 1852 and lived near Farmington. She was married November 20th, 1856, to Benjamin W. Shreeves. They moved to Iowa in 1865, and lived a short time on a farm near Van Metre's Grove, Benton county, and moved to Blairstown in 1869. She has four children, John R. and Jessie, who survive her, Russell, who died in 1870, and Hattie, who died in 1892.
She joined the Presbyterian church soon after moving to Blairstown and was always among it s most consistent members and ardent supporters.
Probably no one in our community occupied as prominent a place in the hearts of as many people as Mrs. Mary Sheeves. Her stately figure crowned with beautiful, silvery hair, has long been a noted feature in private and public gatherings, but still more beautiful and more attractive were her cheerful and gracious disposition, her loyalty to principles and to her friends.
Her character was of the positive kind. She was thorough in everything. Her ideas of right and wrong were fixed and unchangeable, and although her expressions of them were always reserved until the proper time and place, when once given there was not mistaking their meaning.
Her actions were always perfectly consistent with her professions and this she admired in others. No matter how different their ideas of creed or details, if other people lived up to principles founded on laws of right and wrong, they had her approval and admiration.
She was of a warm, true and demonstrative disposition, cordial, hospitable and kind.
Nothing was too good for her loved ones and she gave them a wealth of affection that cannot be replaced. She was "an Apostle of Sunshine." She duly appreciated the pleasant things of like, and entered with enthusiasm into enjoyment of them. This made her a general favorite with young and old.
It was a pleasure to favor her in any way, because she appreciated every attention.
In church work she was active and efficient and she inspired others with her enthusiasm.
Her death was very unexpected, as she was not considered by her physician, in a dangerous condition, until a few hours before it came. She had been ailing for about three months, and everything that the most affectionate regard and forethought could suggest, and all that supposed to be essential to her welfare, was done. Loving hearts and hands administered to every want want she would express, but the skill of the physician and the love of friends availed not.
She gently passed away on Sunday, May 13th, 1900 and was buried the following Wednesday, by the side of her loved ones, in the cemetery at Blairstown.
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