Belle Plaine Every Other Daily Union; Feb. 27, 1900
Buried With Honor
Ivan Shotwell
Body of a Vinton Boy Who Died In Cuba Laid to Rest in Vinton Cemetery.
Edward Even, late sergeant company G, 49th Iowa, was in Vinton last week attending the last services over the remains of a comrade who died in Cuba, Ivan Shotwell.
The Eagle gives the following account of these services:
All that was mortal of Ivan Shotwell was consigned to its last resting place yesterday afternoon. While serving as a member of Co. G, 49th Iowa, in Havana, Cuba, Ivan was stricken with disease and died January 9th, 1899. His company carried him to his burial place beside the sea, and now that more than a year has passed the country for whose sake he gave his life return him to his family - and town.
At two o'clock the body was taken from the armory, where it had laid since arriving Wednesday morning, to the Methodist church. A guard of eight men, with an officer headed the procession, fifty members of the P. M. Coder Post followed, then the pall-bearers, eight members of the Co. G., 49th Iowa. The hearse was followed by Company G, commanded by Captain Whipple.
The service was conducted by Rev. F. L. Loveland, of whose church Ivan was a member. Mr. Loveland spoke in a beautiful way of his life, both as a citizen and as a soldier. Mayor Evans on behalf o the town and Captain Whipple for Co. G paid glowing tributes to the memory of the war hero. Mr. Loveland read a letter from the chaplain of the 4th Virginia, who buried Ivan at Havana, a kind and thoughtful letter which he had written to Mr. Shotwell. Rev. Jones assisted with prayer.
When the services had ended "taps" were sounded and the line of procession was resumed for the cemetery.
The family may feel assured that the tokens of sympathy which has been so manifest are indeed the sign that the town is mourning with them. During the hour of the funeral all business houses were closed and the church was filled to overflowing.
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