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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; May 18, 1923
Young Lady Called Home
Helen Shenneberger

Stricken by Death While Riding in Automobile

The following clipping form the Van Horne Record will be of interest to many here, as the family has many warm friends here who were grieved to hear of Miss Helen's untimely death. Her father, the late John Shenneberger was a pioneer of this place and for many years a resident and highly esteemed member of this community.

"Helen Shenneberger, of Cedar Rapids, passes away suddenly Sunday morning while riding n a car. Lou Humphrey had taken her and her mother, Mrs. Flora Shenneberger out for a ride and she seemed to be in excellent spirits. While riding about she became rather quiet, but nothing was thought of this, as had been in poor health. Finally her mother turned to speak to her and found her huddled in a corner of the seat. Thinking she had fainted they stopped to get water to revive her when they discovered that she had died.

Miss Shenneberger was twenty-three years of age and leaves her mother and one sister, Irma. Her father preceded her in death by four months. She is a niece of Mrs. M. Andrews and Mrs. A. A. Blue of Van Horne. The family lived here at one time and is well known among the older inhabitants. The funeral was held at the house Tuesday afternoon at 2:30.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 31-Oct-2019 by
John Shuck,

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