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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Waterloo Daily Courier; February 1, 1950

Minnie Shaw

Vinton - Mrs. J. C. Shaw, 74, lifelong resident of Benton county, Tuesday at her home of a heart attack; rites Friday at 2 p.m. from Fry-Holland funeral home; burial in Evergreen Cemetery; nee Minnie Ellyson, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ellyson, Sept. 9, 1875, in Big Grove township. Benton county; married to J. C. Shaw [John C. Shaw], Oct. 18, 1894, in Eden township; retired to Vinton from their Big Grove farm in September, 1948; leaves husband and four children: Mrs. Gladys Detrick, Vinton; Donovan Shaw, Marion; Leslie Shaw, Mt. Auburn; and Mrs. Robert Beyer [Irene], Garrison, and one sister, Irene Ellyson, St. Cloud, Fla.; member of the Presbyterian church.

{Submitter comment: newspaper extract - not related}

Submitted on 30-Dec-2009 by
John Shuck,

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