unknown, probably that of Van Horne; unknown
John Henry Schallau
John Henry Schallau was born in Verl, Westphalia, Germany, April 28, 1838, and passed away Sunday, December 12, 1920, at Van Horne, Iowa. He was the son of Henry and Elizabeth Schallau. He grew to manhood in Germany and was united in marriage to Catherine Maria Sielhorst, January 15, 1871
To this union seven children were born. In 1882 he came with his family to America and settled on a farm in Linn county near Cedar Rapids. They remained here three years and then came to Benton county, settling on a farm southeast of Van Horne. He remained on this farm until a few years ago, when he moved to Van Horne. He was preceded in death by his wife, who passed away in 1912, and by one daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Komiske
The survivors are the children, Henry, Sutherland, Iowa; Joe, Havelock; Conrad, John, Mrs. Gustie Nolan, Mrs. Anna Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Mayme Kelley, and Charles, Van Horne, and two brothers, Christ, Van Horne, and John, still in Germany
Funeral services were held from the Immaculate Conception church Tuesday, December 14, at 9:30 o'clock, conducted by Father Hogan, assisted by Father Callaghan and Father Winecke. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery southwest of town. The pallbearers were the four sons, John, Henry, Conrad and Charles, and two sons-in-law, Joseph Fitzgerald and Edward Kelly
John Schallau was a lifelong member of the Catholic church and died within its fold. He was of the sturdy stock of pioneers that has made Iowa what it is today. He was a kind and loving father, a faithful and dutiful husband and a real, neighborly neighbor and friend. His death is mourned by the entire community
CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank all those who kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved father, John Schallau
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nolan
{Submitter comment: Obituary transcribed from a photocopy of a clipping from an unknown local newspaper -- probably that of Van Horne, Iowa -- by Joe Schallan, great-grandson of John Henry Schallau. Note that other documents give his birth date as 1839 and the date of his wife's death as 1911. Also note that nine, not seven, children were born to their union. }
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