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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Independent; July 11, 1883

Catharine Rucker

Mrs. Catharine Rucker died June 20th at Independence, Iowa. She was brought to Belle Plaine and buried in the Belle Plaine cemetery, her surviving children all residing in the vicinity. She leaves four sons and five daughters to mourn her loss. She was born in Washington county, Ohio, July 1st, 1828 and was a member of the M. E. church at the time of her death.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 09-Dec-2014 by
John Shuck,

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Belle Plaine Union; Sept. 16, 1926
Former Resident Passes Away in Cedar Rapids
Francis Calvin Rucker

Francis Calvin Rucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Rucker was born on March 23, 1870 in Iowa Township, east of Belle Plaine and passed away at his home in Cedar Rapids on Monday September 6, 1926 at the age of 56 years.

His mother died during infancy and he was adopted by his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. D. Rucker, Mrs. Rucker being a sister of his mother.

On December 25, 1894 he was united in marriage to Lulu Mertie Hannen, a sister of Mr. J. R. Hannen of this city. They lived on a farm until 1899 when they moved to Belle Plaine and Mr. Rucker began working for the C. & N. W. Ry. He was at first employed in the water department, later becoming a brakeman, and finally being promoted to the position of conductor. In 1914 while on duty on the I & M Division he had the misfortune to be in a train wreck and received injuries from which he never fully recovered.

. The family moved to Cedar Rapids about 8 years ago where they were living at the time of his death.

Those left mourn his loss are: his wife and two daughters, Lola Ruth and Lela Beatrice, two brothers, Lemuel E. Blake of sterling colorado, and Mr. C. W. Myers of this city, besides a large number of friends and more distant relatives.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Turner Funeral home in Cedar Rapids in charge of the Rev. Tremble. Interment being made at Oak Hill cemetery, Cedar Rapids.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 10-Dec-2014 by
John Shuck,

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