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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Not known - clipping;

Samuel Rouse

Urbana- -Funeral services were held Monday for Samuel Rouse, age 73, Benton county pioneer who died Saturday at the home of Mrs. James Childs where he had been cared for the last eight weeks. Mr. Rouse was born in Benton co. May 1, 1857 and he had lived on the farm, near Urbana for many years. He united with the Christian church in 1885. Mrs. Rouse and two children died several years ago. A daughter, Mrs. Walter Smith, lives on the home farm; a son, Lloyd Rouse also lives near Urbana. The services were held at the Urbana church of Christ with the Rev. W.R. Foster of Center Point officiating. Music was provided by Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Mader and Mrs. Dora Moore at the piano. Pallbearers were Noah Bayles, John Brady, William Petro, Otis Cumberland, George Chambers, D.L. Burrell, all old neighbors of Mr. Rouse

{Submitter comment: Samuel Rouse married 3 Mar 1879 Lucretia Waitman (1861-1916)and by her had five children all buried at Urbana: Clarence (1880-1922); Maria Alta (1884-1916) wife of Wilford Glime; Lloyd (1888-1949); Ophal (1897-1972) wife of Walter Smith; and one dau (Mar1890 ae 12ds) who died in infancy.}

Submitted on Jan 31, 2008 by
Pat Sheldon,

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