The Vinton Eagle; April 14, 1880
Local Department, 5th item
Abraham Rose
Mr. A. Rose Sr., who died in Vinton a few days since, served in the war of 1812.
{Submitter comment: We found this "Vinton Eagle" item on microfilm in the Iowa Historical and Genealogical Library in DesMoines in 1978. It lead us to the War of 1812 National Archive records for Wayne's great great grandfather Abraham Rose (Sr.).}
The Vinton Eagle; January 29, 1892
Death of Abraham Rose
Abraham Rose
Our people were shocked and surprised last Wednesday on learning on the evening previous "Abe" Rose had died. His illness had been of such short duration that but few had heard he was even sick. We did not learn the immediate cause of his death, but understand he had been taken with a severe attck of the grippe.
The deceased was born in Oneida County, New York, in 1827, being born and raised on a farm. At eighteen he left the farm and learned the wagon-maker's trade until the breaking out of the war. During the war he served in the 28th Iowa Infantry.
The deceased was married in New York in 1855 to Miss Jennie White. Five children were born to them - Charles B., Albert M., Herman A., Jennie M., and William W..
Mr. Rose emigrated to Vinton in 1858 and has lived here ever since, and for the most part has been engaged in the mercantile business.
The deceased was a man of strong characteristics- being either a strong fried or a strong enemy.
The funeral services were held at his late residence yesterday afternoon conducted by Rev. E. H. Avery. The attendance was large.
{Submitter comment: We received this typed obituary from Assistant Librarian Royce Kurtz, Vinton Public Library in June 1978. It is for Wayne's great grandfather Abraham Rose, who served in the Civil War from Benton County.}
Benton Star Press;
Howard Rose, retired farmer, died Monday
Howard A. Rose
Howard A. Rose, 70, a retired Norway farmer, son of W. G. and Mary Rose, died early Monday, Nov. 8, in a Cedar Rapids hospital. He was born on Jan. 7, 1895. He lived in the Norway vicinity all his life. He was a veteran of World War II. He was married to Clara Uthoff on March 2, 1932, in Marengo
Surviving are his wife; a brother, Porter, Fairfax; a sister, Rena Rose, Vinton; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, John, Vinton, and Willie, Norway; and one sister, Mrs. Albert Cole, Norway
Services were held at the Methodist church in Norway on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. with Rev. O. L. Allison officiating. Burial was in Cedar Memorial cemetery, Cedar Rapids.
Benton County Times; August 31, 1905
Mrs. Rose Passes Away.
After Several Months Illness
Jane E. "Jennie" (White) Rose
Mrs. Jennie White Rose died at her home in Vinton, Tuesday, August 24, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Rose was one of Benton County's pioneers having lived here since 1858. Her husband, Abraham Rose, died January 26, 1892. Mrs. Rose was born in Oneida Co., N.Y., October 14, 1829, and was married to Abraham Rose at Bridgewater, N.Y., November 19, 1855. The family moved to Vinton from Allen's Grove, Wis., in 1858, and have since resided in Vinton. Mrs. Rose was the mother of five children, four sons and one daughter, Chas. B., Albert M., Herman A., William W., and Jennie M. The funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. D. W. McLane and Rev. S. S. Hilscher conducting the service.
{Submitter comment: This is the first of two obituaries received from Assistant Librarian Royce Kurtz, Vinton Public Library in June 1978. It is for Wayne's great grandmother Jane E. (White) Rose, whose father served in the War of 1812, and grandfather served in the Revolutionary War.
She is buried in Maplewood Cemetery, near top of hill, in south part of cemetery, by her husband Abraham (Jr.), near their oldest son Charles & wife. In Vinton, Benton County, Iowa}
The Vinton Eagle; September 1, 1905
A good woman gone.. Mrs. Abe Rose passed away last Monday night
Jane E. "Jennie" (White) Rose
Mrs. Jennie White Rose was born in Oneida County, New York, October 14, 1829, and died at her home in Vinton August 29, 1905.
November 19, 1855, she was married to Abraham Rose at Bridgewater, New York and the same year moved to Allen's Grove, Wisconsin. In 1858 the family moved to Vinton where they have since resided. The husband and father died on the 26th of January, 1892, but the wife and mother was to cheer the hearts of her children for almost thirteen years.
She leaves to mourn her loss, four sons and one daughter: Charles B., Albert M., Herman A., William W., and Jennie M., all of whom were present at the funeral save Charles who is in Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. Rose was a loving mother and one of the kindest of neighbors. Although of a very retiring disposition yet she will be greatly missed in the community as well as by her family.
She was a professing Christian though the church of her choice has not been represented here for a number of years. Those who knew her best regarded her as a sincere follower of the Lord.
The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 and were conducted by Revs. McLane and Hilscher. Burial in Maplewood Cemetery.
The sympathy of her friends and neighbors is sincerely extended to those who have been bereft.
{Submitter comment: This is the second of two obituaries received from Assistant Librarian Royce Kurtz, Vinton Public Library in June 1978. It is for Wayne's great grandmother Jane E. (White) Rose, whose grandfather Antipas White served in the Revolutionary War.}
The Vinton Eagle; August 18, 1880
Died, 3rd & last listing
Margaret (Edwards) Rose
ROSE.- In this city, August 14, 1880, Mrs. Abram Rose, aged 79 years.
{Submitter comment: We found this brief obituary on newspaper microfilm in the Iowa Historical and Genealogical Library in DesMoines in 1978. It is for Wayne's great great grandmother Margaret (Edwards) Rose who applied for a War of 1812 Widow's Pension in April 1880.}
Mary Ellen Rose
Norway, Sept. 8 - Word was received here Tuesday that Mary Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie G. Rose, had died of injuries received in an automobile accident in Santa Monica, Ca. Miss Rose, a graduate of Norway in 1937, was riding with a young couple and their two month old baby when their car was allegedly struck head-on by a speeding motorist.
All were injured. Miss Rose received a skull fracture. She had been in California since Dec. 1, 1937, and was employed in a Santa Monica home. Miss Rose was born in Norway on Sept. 5, 1918. Besides her parents, she is survived by two brothers, Lewis and Walter, at home, and two sisters, Mrs. Noble Brockshink of near Norway and Hazel, at home. The body is being sent to Norway.
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