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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Review; April 6, 1905
Another Old Soldier Gone
Archibald Race

Archibald Race, of Shellsburg, died at the soldiers home in Marshalltown and his body was brought back to Shellsburg for burial, which occurred on Sunday. A number of his old comrades of the 28th Iowa, of which he was an honored member, attended the services from Vinton. Mr. Race was an early settler of Benton County. His death occured last Friday. He was 73 years old and leaves three children, Mrs. Peora White, Mrs. Mary Hammond and Miss Carrie Rice.

{Submitter comment: Cemetery records states born March 12, 1831, Cochocton, Ohio died Mrch 31, 1915 (wrong year). I think, it should read 1905 Soldiers Home Marshalltown, Iowa. His daughter name is listed as Miss Carrie Rice, I would think should be Race.}

Submitted on 10-Jun-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Eagle; December 17, 1932
C. (Carey) F. Race

C. F. Race, 61 years old, Vinton laborer, who worked nearly all day Friday chopping wood in the country near here, died suddenly at 5:30 p.m. yesterday after walking in from the country to his home in the southwest part of town near the Fisher green house. Death followed by a heart attack. Mr. Race had not complained of illness to the members of his family. All of his life has been spent in Benton County.

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the E.F. Young & Co. funeral parlors by the Rev. Wm Caldwell of the Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery near Shellsburg.

Carey F. Race, a son of Archibald and Sarah Rice was born November 24, 1871, at Shellsburg. He was married there January 24, 1895, to Dora Stewart. Mr. Race was retired Vinton Firemen. He was a member of the Baptist church at Shellsburg.

Surviving are the widow and four children: Mrs. James Downing of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Walter Lahue and Mrs. Gladys Hilton living near Vinton and Darrell Race at home. There is one sister Mrs. Mary Hammon of California

{Submitter comment: C. F. is Carey spelled many different ways, in his father's obituary(Archibald) his name is listed at Miss Carrie Rice which is incorrect.}

Submitted on 19-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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