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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Review; October 14, 1908
Mrs. Ed Porter Died Sunday
Was a Resident of Benton Township a number of Years-Funeral Yesterday
Nancy Jane Porter

Nancy Jane Charles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Charles, was born in Benton City, January 28, 1856 and died at her home five miles east of Vinton Sunday morning, October 11, 1908, aged 52 years, 8 months and 13 days.

Miss Charles was united in marrage April 15, 1985 to Mr. Edward Porter, of Benton County. To this union was born six children of which five are living. They are Mrs. F.E.Purdon of Vinton, Mrs. Wm Van Dyke, east of Benton City; Roy, of Schuylor, Neb., Ray and Emmett at home. Besides husband and children she leaves two half brothers , Emmet Charles, Miles City, Montana; Edgar Charles, Landstone, Minn.: also a half sister Mrs. Rober Garrett, of Dallas, Texas.

Mrs. Porter's illness covered a period of twelve weeks, suffering from an affection of the heart, following a paralytic shock of five years ago. Deceased was well known in Benton County where all but one year of her married life was spent.

At the age of 18 years Mrs. Porter was converted and joined the Presbyterian Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

In her last days she gave evidence of a good hope, saying she was prepared and ready fro the final summons.

Funeral service was held from the Prairie United Brethren church Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock and interment in adjoining cemetery.

Submitted on 01-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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