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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times; October 27, 1916
Obituary of Henry Pitts.
Henry Pitts

Elias Henry Pitts was born in Hamilton county, Indiana, Dec. 31, 1849. In the following year, 1850, his parents moved to Knox county, Ill., where they lived until the year 1853, when they moved to Benton county, Iowa, where the deceased made his home until the time of his departure. He was one of a large family, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pitts, to whom were born five sons and four daughters, there being one brother, W. H. Pitts of Vinton, and three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Berry of Vinton, Mrs. Larson of Illinois and Mrs. L. K. Brody of Vinton surviving him.

In 1874 he was married to Nora W. Wyckoff. To this union, four children were born, one of whom died in infancy. About one year ago, a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Bauman, passed into the other life. Those surviving the father are Clifford Pitts of Chicago and Mrs. John Johnson of Waterloo.

The companion and mother in this family circle was called while the children were all young, while both she and the husband were young in years, in the year 1881. Mr. Pitts remained single until some twenty years ago when he was united in marriage to Mrs. Thursa Buttrick, who entered into the other life about two months before her husband was taken.

Mr. Pitts was a kind father and loving father, not only to his own children but to those who were the children of his companion in the second marriage. He was a good neighbor and a worthy friend. Besides the loved ones he leaves a large host of relatives and friends to feel the sense of loss in his sudden departure.

Submitted on Aug 17, 2007 by Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle; October 27, 1916
Henry Pitts

Elias Henry Pitts was born, December 31, 1849 in Wayne county, Ind., the son of William and Cynthia Pitts and was one of a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters, six of whom survive his death.

In the following year, 1850, his parents moved to Knox county, Ill., where they lived until the year 1853, when they moved to Benton county, where the deceased made his home ever since until the time of his death, Oct. 21, 1916.

In the month of August, 1874, he was married to Nora Wyckoff. To this union were born four children, two of whom survive his death, one child dying in infancy, and a daughter, Mrs. William Bauman, of Chicago, died November 19, 1915. The mother of these children died January 19, 1883.

After the death of his wife, Mr. Pitts remained a widower for seven years until October 8, 1890 when he was married to Mrs. Thurza Buttrick. The family continued to live on the farm northeast of Vinton until about eight years ago when they moved to this city. Mrs. Pitts passed away just two months before the death of Mr. Pitts, the date of her death being August 19, 1916. Since the death of his wife, Mr. Pitts had spent the most of the time with his daughter, Mrs. John Johnson of Waterloo, and with his step-daughter, Mrs. Walter Gardner of La Porte. When in Vinton he stayed at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lewis K. Brody.

On the day of his death he went from Waterloo to Urbana and spent the day with his brother, George Pitts and family of that place. He came to Vinton on the evening train and while on his way from the station to the home of his sister, Mrs. Lewis Brody, was killed by being run over by a freight engine.

He leaves to mourn his death one daughter, Mrs. John Johnson, of Waterloo, one son, Clifford Pitts, of Chicago, five step-children, Mrs. John Berry, of this city, Mrs. Walter Gardner of La Porte, William Buttrick of near Vinton and Mrs. Frank Johns and Mrs. William McLeish of Denver, Colo. Three brothers, George Pitts of Urbana, Emery Pitts, Carthage, Mo., and Harve Pitts of this city, and three sisters, Mrs. Lewis K. Brody and Mrs. Joseph Berry of this city, and Mrs. George Larson of Altoona, Ill., besides several grandchildren, survive his death.

Short funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Lewis Brody of this city Tuesday at 12:30 and late [unable to read this part] Rev. F. M. Warren officiating. Interment was made in the family lot in the Kisling cemetery.

Mr. Pitts was a kind man and loving father, not only to his own children but also to the children of his second wife. These loved him as a real father for the tender care he showed them, and in his death they mourn him as their real father. He was a good neighbor and a worthy friend. Besides the loved ones, he leaves a large host of friends to feel the sense of loss at his departure.

The relatives from out of town attending the funeral were, Mrs. Geo. Larson and son William of Altoona; Mrs. Mary Wyckoff and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pitts of Urbana; Mr. Johnson and son of Boone; Clifford Pitts and Wm. Bauman of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Johnson and son of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gardner of La Porte.

Submitted on Aug 17, 2007 by Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle; August 1916
Thursey (Thurza) Buttrick / Pitts

Mrs. E. H. Pitts died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Berry about four miles northeast of Vinton Saturday, August 19, at 4 a. m.

Mrs. Pitts had been sick since last December with cancer and during that time she and Mr. Pitts went to Denver, Colo., and remained there until February and since that time have made their home with Mrs. Berry.

Mrs. Pitts' maiden name was Thurza Burkhart, daughter of Conrad and Sarah Burkhart, and was born at Keokuk, Iowa, April 24, 1854.

She was married in 1875 to Wm. Buttrick, who died December 6, 1887. she was married to Mr. Pitts October 8, 1890. Mrs. Pitts was the mother of ten children, five of whom survive her and who were all here for the funeral. The children are Mrs. Walter Gardner of La Porte, Mrs. J. L. Berry and Wm. Buttrick of Vinton, Mrs. Will McLeish and Mrs. Frank Johns of Denver, Colorado.

Mrs. Pitts lived most of her life on the farm near Vinton until coming to this city seven years ago to make her home. She was a devoted mother and wife and besides her immediate family many other relatives and friends mourn her death.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Berry home, Rev. T. H. Temple conducting the services and the burial was in the Keisling (sic) cemetery near Urbana. Thurza's first husband, Wm. Buttrick, is buried in Bear Creek Cemetery, Benton County, IA.}

Submitted on Aug 17, 2007 by Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle; August 21, 1916
Well Known Woman of This Community Passes Away After Months of Suffering.
Thursey (Thurza) Buttrick / Pitts

Mrs. E. H. Pitts, who for many years was a resident of Vinton and the nearby country died Saturday morning at 3:45 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Berry living south of Vinton. Mrs. Pitts had been in failing health the past year and the last few months had suffered greatly. She was afflicted with cancer.

Last fall Mr. and Mrs. Pitts closed their home in Vinton and went to Denver, Col., where they spent the winter with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Frank Johns. It was while in Denver that Mrs. Pitt's condition became worse and her wish was that she be brought to Vinton to spend the remaining days of her life. Mr. and Mrs. Pitts arrived here four months ago and had been with the Berry family ever since. Mrs. Johns has also been here helping to care for the mother.

The funeral was held from the John Berry home Sunday afternoon with Rev. Thomas Temple of the Vinton M.E. church officiating. The remains were laid to rest in the Keisling cemetery beside other members of her family who had preceded her in death.

A Native of Iowa.

Mrs. Pitts was born in Keokuk county, Iowa, April 24, 1854, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Burkhart. She came with her parents to Benton county when a small child and this locality remained her home until her death. Her maiden name was Thursey Burkhart.

In the year 1875 deceased was married to Wm. Buttrick and ten children were born to this union. Four dying in infancy and a son, James dying at the age of six years. The husband passed away forty years ago. On Oct. 8, 1880, Mrs. Buttrick was married to E. H. Pitts of this city, who with the five children mourn her passing. The children are Mrs. John Berry and Wm. C. Buttrick of Vinton, Mrs. Walter Gardener of La Porte City and Mrs. Will McLeish and Mrs. Frank Johns of Denver, Col. The children have all been with the mother during her last illness. There are also six grandchildren surviving and two stepchildren, Mrs. John Johnson of Waterloo and Clifford Pitts of Chicago.

Submitted on Aug 17, 2007 by Volunteer

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