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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Ruth I. Olson

Ruth I. Olson, 83, of Vinton, died Tuesday, Feb. 6, will be held Saturday, Feb. 10, at Russell Funeral Home Chapel, 1212 First Ave., Vinton... The Rev. Jan Ziskovsky will officiate. Internment in Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, will follow.

Ruth is survived by two daughters, Kathy Dittmar of Vinton and Elaine Turpin of Galesburg, Ill.; three brothers, John Bonesteel of Vinton, Oliver Bonesteel of Green Castle, Pa., and Robert Bonesteel of Toddville; two sisters, Marjorie Nearmyer of Zeeland, Mich., and Daisy Roehr of Marion; five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren...

{Submitter comment: Death: Feb. 6, 2007
Published February 08. 2007 12:01AM }

Submitted on 16-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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Waterloo Daily Courier; October 19, 1945

Signa Olson

Vinton - Mrs. Oscar Olson, 52, Wednesday at the Virginia Gay hospital following a lingering illness; born June 14, 1893, in Blehinze, Sweden, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carlson; came to Benton county from Sweden with her parents in 1910; on Mar. 9, 1916; she was married to Oscar Olson at Cedar Rapids; couple lived in the Van Horne community until 1935, when they moved to their home near Vinton; leaves husband, and the following children, Arthur Olson, Violet and Alice Olson all living at home; Helen Olson, Washington, D. C.; Sgt. Levin Olson who has just returned to the States from service in South Pacific; one child died in infancy; also leaves brother, Albert Carlson, Philadelphia, Pa., and a brother and sister, Harold Carlson and Mrs. Inzeborg Peterson, living in Sweden; funeral, 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Bethlehem Lutheran church following a prayer service at 2 o'clock at the Fry-Holland funeral home; burial in Evergreen cemetery.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on Oct 28, 2007 by
John Shuck,

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