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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Review; May 15, 1913

Daniel Clay King

Mr. and Mrs. Edd King have the sympathy of the entire community in their sickness and bereavement. Last Wednesday evening their little son Clay, aged two was taken sick and lived until just four o'clock Thursday a.m. when his spirit departed. The exact cause of death could not be ascertained. The younger child aged nine months was also taken sick later and the last two days all hope of recovery was given up. This (Tuesday) morning it appears better. Daniel Clay King was born April 15, 1911, died May 8, 1913, aged two years, 23 days. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church in Shellsburg Saturday at 11:00 a. m., conducted by Rev. Carrol, of Cedar Rapids, a Christian minister, assisted by Rev. Bryden, local minister of the Baptist Church. Interment was in the Shellsburg Cemetery.

Submitted on 17-Jan-2012 by
Martha Long,

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Blairstown Press; Nov. 28, 1919
End Comes At Cannon Ball
Della King

Word was received here by Mrs. Hugh Horner of the death of Miss Della King which occurred at the home of her brother, James King, at Cannon Ball, N. D., on November 11, 1919.

Deceased spent the greater part of her life here with her mother, Mrs. Maggie Cummins, after whose death five years ago she left to make her home with her brother at Cannon Ball.

Deceased had reached about the age of 50 years and during her entire life she was a great sufferer, and had continued to decline in health till death came as a merciful relief.

Interment was made at Cannon.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 24-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Vinton Review;
Harold Myron King Passes Away
Harold Myron King

Again the death angel has entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed King, plucking another rose bud from their midst and taking it to heaven to bloom. The 9 monhts old baby boy has been sick since Sunday May 11, with stomach and bowel trouble. All that loving hands and patient watch and care could do was of no avail, and Monday, May 19, at 2 a.m. the spirit departed peacefully to join the little brother, Daniel Clay, who preceded it just eleven days before.

Harold Myron King was born August 14, 1912 and died May 19, 1913, aged 9 months, 5 days. The funeral was held Tuesday p.m. at 1 o'clock at the house, conducted by Rev. Carrol.

The parents, the four grandparents, one brother and three sisers are left to mourn the loss of these two sweet babies.

Submitted on 17-Jan-2012 by
Martha Long,

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Cedar Valley Times; April 15, 1968
Mrs. Jenie King, Taken Sunday; Services Tuesday
Martha Jane (Jennie) King

Mrs. Martha Jane (Jennie) King 85, died early Sunday morning at Virginia Gay Hospital. Death was due to complications of advanced age.

She was born May 13, 1882, near Harrisburg, Pa., a daughter of John and Nancy Fouse Greaser. She came to Benton county at the age of 18 and lived in this area since that time. She was married Ed King on July 15, 1903. She was a member of the Oak Grove Christian church.

Surviving are two sons, Ray King of Ft. Bragg, California, and Norman King of Palo; four daughters Mrs. Charles (Marie) Neve, Mrs. Ethel Hensing, Mrs. Charles (Esto) Hurst of Vinton and Mrs. Len (Darlene) Babcock of Oxnard, California; one brother Wilmer Greaser of San Bernardino, California; four sisters, Bertha Schultz of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ella Shomler and Ruth Brown of Rockwell City and Anne Shomler of Boscobel, Wisconsin.; 19 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren, 3 great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, two sons and two brothers.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Tuesday at the Oak Grove Christian Church near Shellsburg, with Rev. Richard Laslo, officiating. Burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery.

Submitted on 26-Jul-2011 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Review; April 3, 1919

Mary Bertha King

Mary Bertha Freeman was born in New York August 24, 1842, and passed away at her home 1 1/2 miles west of Shellsburg Friday morning March 28, 1919, having been confined to her bed only from noon Monday. She had been in failing health for several years and failed rapidly the last few days. Thursday about noon she seemed suddenly to sink to sleep, and slept away, never regaining consciousness.

At a early age Mrs. King came to Cedar Rapids with her parents, lived in Linn County a short time and then came to Benton County, where the remainder of her life was spent. She joined the Christian church at the age of 17 years and remained a faithful worker until her health failed.

She was a teacher in Benton County schools, and on October 28, 1875, she was married to Daniel King. Five children were born to this union, Frank L., and Edith Weatherwax, of Shellsburg; Harry, who died in February, 1917; Geo. Edgar, of near Vinton and Earl, who died in infancy. The husband and children were at her bedside when she passed away. Besides the husband and children she is survived by 15 grandchildr4en, two sisters, Mrs. Alice Daugherty and Mrs. Ida Wilt, of Shellsburg and a brother Stacy Freeman, of Ottawa, Kansas. Many other relatives and a host of friends join in mourning her death. Of the 44 years of married life all but the first was spend on the home place west of Shellsburg.

The funeral was held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Lafe Hoff conducting the services. The church was packed by those who came to pay their last respects to one gone on before. Interment was in the Shellsburg Cemetery.

Those from away who attended the funeral was Chas. King, Org, Minn; Stacy Freeman, Ottawa, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Elmar Spicher and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McVay, Vinton, and Mrs. Grant Williams. Palo.

Submitted on 03-Jun-2011 by
Martha Long,

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