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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; August 24, 1923
Ed Huff Dies at Keystone Home
George Huff

Mr. Ed Huff, formerly a resident of this locality for many years died suddenly at his present home near Keystone on Friday, August 17th. Mr. Huff had been in poor health for the past two years, but apparently was regaining his usual health. On Friday afternoon he had been to town. On returning home he was seated at the table eating supper when he was stricken and passed away in a few moments. He death coming at this time was a great shock to his family and friends. The services were held on Sunday afternoon and the body was brought to Blairstown and interred in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Nov-2019 by
John Shuck,

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