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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Daily Times; Unknown
Mrs. Hortsman Dies at Norway: Burial Friday
Erma Hortsman

Benton County News

Special to Daily Times

NORWAY. - Mrs. Erma Hortsman, 35, in ill health several years, died Tuesday at 7:00 a.m. at the home of her brother, Joe F. Boddicker of Norway. Her condition had been critical since last Thursday after being overcome by the heat. Funeral rites will be held Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock in St. Michael's Catholic church by the Rev. Father Kunkel. Burial will be in St. Michael's cemetery.

Mrs. Hortsman was born in Benton county and had lived in this vicinity all her life. Her husband died some years ago, and there are no children. Surviving are three brothers and two sisters, namely: Joe F. Boddicker of Norway, John Boddicker of Newhall, Henry Boddicker and Mrs. Lena Hortsman, of Parkston, S.D., and Mrs. Kate Sevening of Chicago.

{Submitter comment: From family scrapbook.}

Submitted on 01-May-2020 by
Dwayne Thoman,

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