The Vinton Eagle; November 22, 1859
Surgical Operation
William Henry Horton
On Saturday, the 12th inst., Dr. Boyd was called on to perform a difficult surgical operation, the removal of a leaden ball that had been lodged several years ago in the head of Mr. W. H. Horton, of Le Roy Township, in this county, and had of late been the cause of such severe pain that he chose to have it removed at the risk of his life. It is proper to mention that for some time previous Mr. H. had been subject to spasms, or apoplectic fits, supposed to have been caused by the ulceration taking place in his head around the ball. There being no objection on the part of those present, Dr. Boyd, with their consent, proceeded to administer chloroform, before commencing the operation. The anaesthetic had not taken full effect, when Mr. H. was taken with another spasm, in which he died. On Sabbath morning, by request of the friends, Dr. Boyd took from the deceased that portion of the skull containing the ball, which is now at his office. It is very probable, from the inflamed and mortified condition in which the skull and brain is said to have been found, that Mr. H. would not have lived many days, had the operation been postponed.
From Vinton Eagle, Feb. 11, 1861
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Benton County, Iowa and as Administrator of the estate of William H. Horton, deceased, I shall offer for sale at the said county on the 21st day of March, A. D. 1861, at one o'clock P.M. of said day, to the highest bidder, for one third part cash in hand, one third in nine months and the other third in eighteen months from day of sale, the following described real estate belonging to said estate, (subject to a dower right thereon of fifteen dollars annually) to wit: commencing at the n w corner of s w 1/? of sec. 17 township 82 range 11, running s 106 rods, e 59 rods and 4 feet, n 106 rods, west 59 rods and four feet, containing 40 acres, also commencing 28 rods from n w corner of sw fr 1/? sec. 30 T ?? R. 11 thence east 12 rods, south 160 rods, west 12 rods, north 160 rods containing 12 acres.
William Allen
Administrator of the estate of Wm. H. Horton, dec'd.
Vinton, Feb. 14, 1861
{Submitter comment: William Henry Horton was my 2nd great grandfather. }
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